Tuesdays with Murphy: Big Four Leggeds

Two Moose in NewfoundlandI had to borrow a picture from Jerry’s friend, Newfoundland photographer Bud Vincent, to share on the blog today. Have you ever seen four-leggeds as majestic as this? They sure make me proud to be on their team.

Moose are quite populous in Newfoundland, of course, and visitors who are driving our roads should know to be mindful of them. Or, if you’re on the Terra Nova Golf Resort as Bud was when he got these pictures, perhaps you should be mindful when you tee-off, too!Four Moose in Terra Nova Park in Newfoundland

Sunset Sunday: Rainbows and Gratitude

Rainbow and Shag Rock in newfoundlandLet’s count our blessings this weekend and be grateful. In this photo you can faintly see a beautiful rainbow wrapped around Shag Rock.  I’ll took it as a sign – of what, I’m not sure, unless it’s of the continued blessings of the Wonderful World of Whiteway

Thanks to the Wonderful World of Whiteway

Beautiful day in Trinity Bay in Newfoundland, Canada

This will probably be one of the busiest Thanksgiving’s ever, thanks to the special Turkey Dinners we’ll be serving at the Shag It. But it is also a year filled with blessings and so many reasons to give thanks. The Berry and I have each other and work that we love, and beautiful families both near and far. And of course, we’ll be forever grateful for the day when we made the fateful decision to start our Ocean Delight journey.

Shag Rock still takes my breath away. When the sun sneaks up over the back country, it pours it light on it, our muse. They play with each other all day. Shag Rock is made alive by the many colours the sun paints it as it moves in and out the bay. It is constant and constantly changing. So I call this the Wonderful World of Whiteway  for a reason. If your spirit needs a lift, there is spirit-lifting magic here – and I am thankful for it everyday. And may God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving weekend.

Sunset Sunday: Truly Stunning

Sunset in Newfoundlnad

Today’s Sunday Sunset comes from brilliant photographer Bud Vincent, who captures the beauty of Newfoundland in a profound way I never could. Please read the words he attached to the picture – quite inspirational:
“As I walked along the shoreline here in Harcourt tonight and saw images like this right before me, I just could not help but think, how blessed we are in this province to see and appreciate images all over the province such as these. It kept reminding me of the time I first heard this gospel song: it was titled ” The Wonderful Wonders of God.”…It was in Grand Falls, many moons ago…It was a bright sun shiny Saturday morning, and both my wife and I were travelling through Central Newfoundland. We stopped in to Grand Falls, particularly in the shopping area. Just before we did we could hear music and voices coming from somewhere. Finally, we came upon an outdoor Gospel hour type of activity..And, this beautiful song was being sung by a young man. It just stopped me in my tracks – I eventually purchased an album that he had produced. And, for many many many years I used to ‘hum’ or try to sing that song.. I just wanted to share a line or so of that song. Because this is how it makes me feel when I see so much beauty around us. And, for those of you who know me, I make sure that I capture some of those images ddigitally and to share them …

So, these images remind me of a line in that song: ‘the wonders of God, we see every day, the wonders of God in constant display..oh the wonderful wonders of God…’.”

Thanks for sharing, Bud, as always!Sunset in Newfoundland

Moon Beams

Moon Beams over Shag Rock in Whiteway NewfoundlandSo many scenes of the sun rising, falling or shining over Shag Rock, and not enough of the beautiful moon. I was working late last night, and looked up with bloodshot eyes to see this rare sight – the moon hanging over Shag Rock and beaming right onto our deck. A sight for sore eyes!

So Blessed

Boat and Shag Rock in Whiteway, Newfoundland

Joe sent me this picture with the caption, ‘Right now! So blessed.’ So blessed we are, all of us, to share this beautiful island. Getting to share it with our guests is like the icing on the cake. I have been to many places and loved them all but this is something altogether different. This Wonderful World of Whiteway redefines nature and beauty and life in quiet moments. We’re so blessed to get to share it.

Gulls, Not Shags

Gulls at our Newfoundland Cafe and Gift Shop

With our view of Shag Rock and the shag birds that make it home, we had an obvious namesake for the Shag It Cafe and Gift Shop. But we get lots of seabirds coming to our shores – that’s why we’ve named 4 of our cottages after the Loon, the Puffin, the Gannet and the Osprey. But clearly, I think flock of seagulls at our beach is trying to tell us something! Of course we see sea gulls around, too, but I hadn’t seen them here before. Maybe they came by for some of our fantastic coffee and gluten-free baked treats!

Dolphins in Newfoundland!

Here’s a video from Vic Young, former chairman of Nalcor and Fishery products, and a colleague who recently came out and had a tour of The Doctor’s House and lunch at the Shag It Cafe. They then went golfing at the fantastic, nearby Pitcher’s Pond Golf Course, and then got this great video of dolphins nearby. Clearly, these dolphins were racing to make their reservations at the Shag It! We’re very happy that Vic captured the moment and shared!