Beautiful Butterflies

ButterflyButterflies have a special meaning to me and to anyone who was lucky enough to know my brother, Jack. That’s why I love these pictures from our friend Bud Vincent, and why I’m happy to share them on this beautiful Sunday. Beautiful Butterflies

Capelin Rolling Season in Newfoundland, 2013!

Capelin Rolling in Whiteway, NewfoundlandWe’re in the middle of one of our favourite parts of the summer – the capelin’s rolling in! Any Newfoundlander will know what this means, but many from away might not have heard of the tradition. Every year, capelin – little fish about 20 cm long – come into shore to spawn. Hundreds or millions of the little guys flop right at the shore, making them easy pickings. You can literally reach your hands in anywhere and be guaranteed to pull up a few. People will come from all over to get their bucket-full. We use them for eating of course – I love them on a barbecue, and they were certainly an important staple when we were growing up. People also use them as fertilizer.

It’s a particularly fun activity to share with children – it’s a great way to pass on Newfoundland traditions, and trust me – kids will love fishing with their hands!  I asked some of our staff and friends to take some pictures to share with you.

Child fishing for capelin in NewfoundlandChild fishing for capelin rolling in in NewfoundlandChild fishing for capelin in Newfoundland

Danielle works for us at The Doctor’s House. They’re obviously starting the tradition early with their little one, Liam!

Fishing for Capelin off the coast of NewfoundlandGrandfather and granddaughter getting capelinLeeann helps Joe out at the cottages. She sent these pictures of her cousins Sabrina and Isabelle, and of her dad. It’s great to see families keeping this tradition alive across the generations!

Stop and Smell the Roses ….

…. at The Doctor’s House!Roses at our Newfoundland inn and spa

Here’s a bit of a departure from my regular Sunset Sunday posts – because like many of us I find inspiration from Nature wherever I find it. That’s often in sunsets, but just as often in beautiful gardens and flowers. So The Doctor’s House in a dream come true for me. The scents, aromas, vibrancy … it’s just amazing. So I hope on this long weekend you get a moment to stop and smell the roses, too. And don’t forget to check out our weekly spa specials, too.

Late in the Evening – Early in the Morning

Fisherman and Shag Rock in rural Newfoundland, Canada

What a wonderful place we live in. Here is sun glistening off the water bouncing all around Shag Rock in the evening mist. And here is Alf out in his new boat fishing for scallops just in front of the house. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

Starting a BBQ a few nights, I took a few minutes to smell the ocean at low tide and hea it rushing over the rocks. The wind was warm, the sun was low, the colours were spectacular. It was only 15 minutes but it was a moment of recharge and re-ignition. I took breaths that took my breath away and made me grateful.

My wish for you is that you’re able to find your own quiet moments to commune with nature (and, if you’re lucky enough to be close, the ocean). It makes all the difference in the world. Newfoundland fisherman on the Atlantic OceanShag Rock on the Atlantic Ocean in NewfoundlandShag Rock on the Atlantic Ocean in Newfoundland


Budding Saturday: Talented Guests

Long Point Cove in Heart's Delight Newfoundland

Saturday’s are basically ‘Look How Pretty Newfoundland Is Day’ on our blog. We like to feature beautiful pictures of our beautiful province. Often that means pictures from the talented Bud Vincent. Today, we’re happy to share some pictures Peter Humby sent us from his family weekend at our cottages in Long Point Cove. Peter’s a return guest with a great family, and clearly an eye for photography. Thanks to him for sharing, and enjoy!

Cottage in Long POint Cove, in Heart's Delight, NewfoundlandOur cottage rentals in Long Point Cove, in Heart's Delight NewfoundlandChildren playing at our cottage in Heart's Delight, Newfoundland

Look closely at this one, and you’ll see Peter’s son, George, playing along the rocks!

Sunset Sunday: Happy Father’s Day

Sunset in rural Newfoundland cottages

Thanks to Joe Friday for this great picture (and for all the other amazing things he does – he knows how grateful we are). Today I’m wishing all the fathers out there are great Father’s Day. If your children are even just half as amazing as my three beautiful daughters, then I know that you are truly blessed!

Baby Birds

Baby birds at our animal sanctuary in NewfoundlandBaby robbins at an animal santuary in Newfoundland

The Doctor’s House is many things, including an animal sanctuary. If you’re a bird watcher, you’d love it there. It’s particularly fun now that all the baby birds are showing up. Who doesn’t love a baby bird?

One of my daughters lives on a float home in Victoria, BC. She too is inundated with our feathered friends. Check out this video she sent me of some visiting goslings. Imagine if this was the view out your back window!

Tuesdays with Murphy: So Many Hikes, So Little Time

Hiking in Newfoundland Canada

Jerry and The Berry have been so busy with the opening of The Doctor’s House, that they barely know if they’re coming or going. Lucky for Jerry, I always make I take him on at least one nice long walk a day – his body needs the exercise, and his brain needs the break!

Thankfully there’s no shortage of great walking trails around the Wonderful World of Whiteway. This one is one of my favorites – Crout’s Way (if you’re at the cottages, ask one of the two-leggeds and they can point you to it). The trail is a bit overgrown at points, but it’s a fun walk and ends at a really cool waterfall – perfect for picnics. And don’t think Goldens don’t appreciate a good view!

Pets still stay free at the cottages for the next little while, so I’m really hoping for a few friends to come join me – I’d love to show them some of the local trails! Boundless energy that he has, Jerry just can’t keep up with me, so at forks in the road I always have to wait for him to catch up. I love Jerry, but I’d love it even more to have a walking partner who could keep up with me!Hiking in Newfoundland with a golden retriever

Sunset Sunday: Joe’s View

View of the Sunset in Whiteway, Newfoundland

Where would I be without Joe Friday? Well for one, I wouldn’t have this awesome shot of the sun setting over Shag Rock! We’re all busy revving up for the summer season, and it’s moments like this, in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, that make it all worth it.