A Room with a View

Room at The Doctor's House A guest recently took this picture from her room at The Doctor’s House, and we’re more than happy to share. Living in Newfoundland, of course the ocean has never been far away. But since The Berry and I moved first to the Wonderful World of Whiteway and now this summer to nearby Green’s Harbour, it’s been so fun and mesmerizing to have the ocean truly in our backyard. It’s a blessing, and one that we are know our neighbours are grateful for, too. And, clearly, our guests too!

Good Neighbours

Our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Since beginning our tourism journey with Ocean Delight Cottages a few years ago, we haven’t been able to stop raving about what we’ve dubbed the Wonderful World of Whiteway, not just for its physical beauty, but more for the warm, giving, funny and talented people we’ve met here. Now, The Doctor’s House is only a five minute drive from the cottages, but it’s in neighbouring town of Green’s Harbour. Since our new neighbours are equally fabulous, we’re going to come up with a new name … I’m not sure if ‘Great Green’s Harbour’ has the same ring?

Regardless, these gorgeous photos come to us from neighbour Paul Seymour, who reached out to us on our Facebook page to see if we’d want these beautiful shots. To which, of course, our answer was, yes! We know The Doctor’s House provides lots of photo ops, and we love when guests – and friends and neighbours! – share their beautiful pictures. Newfoundland pony at our animal sanctuaryWelcome to The Doctor's House, our Newfoundland inn and spa

Some Roses for You

Rose Trees in Newfoundlnad

Here are some of the 40 large Newfoundland rose bushes we’re collecting from neighbours who wanted nothing for them other than to see them grow where they would be appreciated – so we moved them to the cottages. They really help with our ongoing landscaping efforts. Greed does not thrive around the bay. These roses were given freely, and we are so grateful. No doubt, life around the bay in Newfoundland is just a little bit different. We have found, “it is one for all and all for one all.” That’s why we love it here.

Newfoundland Neighbours

I’ve only made a handful of posts on this blog so far and already this is my second lauding the warmth of Newfoundland neighbours. We’ve just been in Whiteway a few months, and already we’ve met scores of fascinating and friendly people we’re proud to call friends.

These pictures were sent to us by one such new friend, Albert. He’s from Whiteway, one of the organizers of the Spring Hare, a dog trainer and avid photographer (see above – just stunning), and an all around good guy. In 2009 he took these pictures of our Chalet – the yellow building up top is where Laurelyn and I live, with the Cranberry Guest Suite attached to the left side – and our view of the sunset.

Albert had these great pictures of our place he thought we could use, so he shared them. That’s what we do in Newfoundland – we anticipate the needs of our friends and neighbours, and we share. That’s how we’ve survived, and that’s why we love our new home in Trinity Bay.