Ocean Delight Sunset

Ocean Delight SunsetOcean Delight Sunsets – falling in love with this view is what started us on this journey, with Ocean Delight, The Doctor’s House, now the Shag It Cafe and Gift Shop. How can you see this and not fall in love, not figure out a way to spend more time here?

My First Screech In

Jerry Screeching In

Last year, Joe Friday was our Screecher. I’ve now taken over, with one Screech In under my belt (a Screech In is a fun, irreverent way for outsiders to become honourary Newfoundlanders – kissing a cod may or may not be included!). Many thanks to Ann and Zofia, and Herb and Linda from Petawawa, for being our guinea pigs!
Getting Prepared

Indeed I is, me ole cock

Newfoundland Steak

Cod Tongues and All

Film Crew at our Newfoundland cottage rentalsCooking cod tongues with a film crew at our Newfoundland cottage rentals

With thanks to EDMO (Eastern Destination Management Organization), we had a film crew at the cottages from Travel Guy TV (TGTV) from Toronto . It was Frank Greco and his team, who are filming a new show to add to their series called ‘The Travel Guy.” This series is currently being broadcast on Discovery World HD.

They were here over 4 hours. Clifford was our ambassador. He cooked cod tongues and talked about Heart’s Content, Heart’s Delight, Heart’s Desire, Dildo, and other unique community names along the Baccalieu. It was an exciting day, we were excited and grateful for the opportunity to share our story. Stay tuned – we’ll let you know when it airs!Film crew filming at our Newfoundland cottages on the Atlantic Ocean

Tuesdays with Murphy – Let Me Kayak!

golden retriever and a kayaker on the beach in Newfoundland

Mike Crane has done lots over the past many months to help Jerry and The Berry with their many endeavors. And he likes to kayak after work – Whiteway is a great spot for it. I just don’t know why he won’t let me come along for the ride – I always comes down to the shore to try to beg one!

Remembering Alice Batko

Sentimental Newfoundland Vacation

Please take a minute to read this beautiful article written by Terry Roberts in the Compass. It describes a beautiful experience we got to share last week.

Terry Roberts of the Compass Newspaper created the name ‘Alice in Newfoundland’ when he came to interview Ann Firman and Zofia Perry, two of our guests staying in the Blueberry. From Whitby and Oshawa, respectively, they booked the cottage last November for them and for Alice – their mother. Then on Dec 23, Alice suddenly passed away.

The daughters decided to bury her ashes in, Newfoundland, a place she loved so much – more than any other place she ever visited. So they kept the reservation, sprinkling her ashes on the beach in Whiteway and in the waters off Shag Rock. Alf, my guardian angel, and I took Ann and Zofia out to Shag Rock for the ceremony in the evening.

Ann and Zofia said Alice was a private person, but she would have loved all the attention. Terry did a great job on the story (as above).

Although I didn’t know Alice she will now be part of my life forever. As Tennyson once said, “I am a part of all that I have met.” Many a night as the sun paints the sky behind Shag Rock – due west – I will think of Ann, Zofia and Alice. She is home here in Whiteway. I will not forget being part of such a wonderful ceremony.

Here is the card they gave me about Alice – I would like for it to be said about me:

When I’m gone:
When I come to the end of my journey
And travel my last weary mile,
Just forget if you can that I ever frowned
And remember only the smile.

 Forget unkind words I have spoken;
Remember some good I have done,
Forget that I ever had heartache
And remember I’ve had lots of fun.

Forget that I’ve stumbled
And sometimes fell by the way.
Remember I have fought some hard battles
And won, ere the close of the day.

The forget to grieve for my going
I would not have you sad for a day.
But in summer just gather some flowes
And remember the place where I lay.

And in the shade of the evening
When the sun paints the sky in the west
Stand for a few moments beside me
And remember only my best.




Riddle Rod Fence

Building an old fashioned fence in Newfoundland

Here is an old Newfoundland fence like I had never seen before. Made with riddle rods (sometimes called wriggle rods), they were quite common around the bay a few generations ago. There are small sticks weaved in and out over three horizontal sticks (called longers or lungers). They require no nails and are extremely sturdy and designed to withstand high winds.

This is an amazing privacy fence we have under construction – we’re planning to build more!Building a traditional Newfoundland fence

Newfoundland Vacation

Ocean Delight CottagesWe have our like-family guests, Mike and Gloria, to thank for these great shots of their Newfoundland vacation. After their time with us, they set us this email – it’s exactly the kind of feedback that makes us love our job, and keep creating new ways to help visitors enjoy the Baccalieu Trail. Below are their pictures of Brigus, another beautiful community on the Baccalieu Trail. Thanks again, Mike and Gloria, and we hope to see you back!


Mike and I would like to thank you again for our enjoyable holiday at Whiteway. We met and enjoyed talking to a lot of wonderful people and have made some new friends.

Wished that the cafe had been open when we were there and could have enjoyed some of the home cooked treats.

Thank you Jerry for the boat tour of Shag Rock and the beautiful coast line of Trinity Bay. I got some great pictures of Shag Rock and also a long distance one of the eagles.

We will certainly recommend the cottages and the gorgeous Doctor’s House Inn and Spa.

I have enclosed some photos from our tours, not bad for a cheap camera.

Thanks again and all the best,

Mike and Gloria


Brigus, NL

Brigus Harbour

Shag It Guests

Guests at our Shag It Cafe and Gift shop outside St. John's, NewfoundlandPlease forgive me if my posts are a little Shag It-centric lately – it’s a brand new endeavor we’re excited about, and it’s taking up a lot of our time as we get it running. If this blog is about my daily life in Whiteway, well, this is my daily life in Whiteway! We’re enjoying ourselves, working like dogs, making some mistakes and learning from them. Thankfully, we’ve had lots of happy customers, which inspires us to keep going and growing.

And if you believe it or not, I’ve even donned an apron to pitch in. Above are my first customers. These 4 are from Ontario (have I told you how much I love Ontarians?). Being my first customers, I made some mistakes – and they helped me laugh at myself. They enjoyed themselves so much they all bought our beautiful tee-shirts – how sweet is that?

And below are two sisters, who are repeat customers! They tell us they love everything about the place. We tell them we’re thrilled they came back!Guests at our cafe and gift shop in Whiteway, near St. John's, Newfoundland