Sunset Sunday: After the Storm

After a wind storm in newfoundlandWe’ve all had some wet and wild weather in this province lately. When this peaceful evening is the end result, it all seems worth it. Here at Ocean Delight, I’m continually reminded how lucky Laurelyn and I are to be here. It’s hard work, but it’s worth it.

Budding Saturday: Enjoy the Kyle

Steam Ship Kyle, in Newfoundland

On Saturday’s we like to showcase beautiful images captured by true Newfoundland artists. Thankfully, we’ve met a couple since we moved out here! One is Leonard Howlett, who makes stunning carvings we feature in the Shag It. Lucky for us, he also takes stunning photos, and often shares them with us. This is the SS Kyle, a Baccalieu institution in Harbour Grace. Thanks again to Leonard for sharing.

(And don’t forget – it’s not too late to make a reservation for dinner at The Doctor’s House tonight. We’ve got a fabulous meal planned – see it and learn more here). boat in Newfoundland

Fun Meals


Sushi in Newfoundland, CanadaSometimes Laurelyn and I have to go into St. John’s to run errands and tend to some affairs. It’s often hectic and rushed, but always worth it when we get to spend time with her son, Adrian. Here were are at Sun Sushi, which ….. has grown on me.

Something else growing on me? Dinner at The Doctor’s House! Tomorrow at 7pm, we’ll be open again for reservations. You can learn more and see our menu here.

Mark Your Calendars

I’d like to give a heads-up for a Special Luncheon coming up this November. It’s for the Irish Loop Chamber of Commerce, and I’ll be speaking about the tourism industry and everything my partner, Laurelyn Berry, and I learned getting here. You don’t have to be a member to join this great networking event, and I hope to see some of your there.

It’s taking place on November 26 at the Bidgood’s Plaza in Goulds. I’ll remind you again as we get closer to the date, and you can see contact info below. Annual General Meetings of the Irish Loop Chamber of Commerce

Strong Winds

Strong Winds in NewfoundlandIt takes some mighty strong winds to fell the mighty trees at The Doctor’s House. And so as you can tell, we recently had a mighty strong storm! Thankfully, when you have a safe, warm spot by the fire, storms can make for a nice, snuggle-up evening. And thankfully, we have a fabulous new cook making fabulous new meals for each weekend – stay tuned for more info!

Santa’s Coming to … the Cupids Legacy Centre!

Auction in Newfoundland

Anyone else thinking about Christmas shopping? If so, here’s an idea that’s fun AND supports the Cupids Legacy Centre, a great spot on the Baccalieu Trail which we love. They’re currently running a Christmas fundraiser, selling tickets to win the beautiful Gerald Squires painting you see above. Find more details here, and you can purchase your tickets at the Centre or from a staff member (and their email address is And let me know if you buy any tickets – good luck!

In Gratitude and Remembrance

Remembrance Day in Newfoundland, CanadaMany thanks to Bud Vincent, as always, for sharing this beautiful image capturing the spirit of Remembrance Day. He included these words: “On Nov 11th, all of us in this great nation of ours get the opportunity to visit our local war memorial and to give honour, praise and thanksgiving to our fallen heroes.. Please make that extra effort to attend, in respect for those who have fallen in all past wars… Yes, on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, we shall stop, pause and REMEMBER THEM…”

Truer words were never spoken. Many have been written about these sacrifices – there is little I can add besides sharing my voice of gratitude and stopping to remember. If you’re like to a little more about some of Newfoundlanders particular experiences in WWI, my nephew and real estate agent Mark has an interesting write-up. Otherwise, please hold each other dear, and pray for peace.

Sunset Sunday: After the Storm

Sunset in Newfoundland

We’ve had some wet and wild weather lately. I love a good storm. Partly because of the calm that spreads over the land after. Like it did when I captured this picture on Friday. Lucky us in Newfoundland.

Yesterday was a good day at the opening of The Ivory Suite (we donated a door prize). We’re also enjoying ramping up our dining offerings at The Doctor’s House. And I’m sure tomorrow you’ll take a moment as I will to remember all the sacrifices of so many, and how lucky we are to live in this beautiful, free country. God bless.

Budding Saturday: It’s Coming

Woodstock pile in NewfoundlandI’m continually grateful to Bud Vincent for allowing me to share his stunning Newfoundland photography on Saturdays – it’s a great way to showcase Newfoundland art AND the beauty of this province. I like this piece because it reminds me that winter is coming – with all the good, like Christmas, and bad, like chopping wood! Happy Saturday, all, and remember that if you’d like to eat out tonight, we’ve got a pretty delicious meal planned at The Doctor’s House – simply call 582.2754 to make a reservation, and you can see the menu here.

Today we’re helping celebrate the grand opening of The Ivory Suite, a new and gorgeous resource for brides in town, full of beautiful, handpicked designer gowns. If you have time, stop by and join us, as there’s some great giveaways – more details here.

Fun Event for Brides this Weekend!

Our wedding booth for our Newfoundland inn and spaIf you follow us on the blog or on Facebook, then you know that we’re excited to be offering The Doctor’s House as a premier (and Newfoundland’s newest, I might add) wedding destination, starting Summer 2014. So it’s been fun getting involved in this new section of the industry, by, for example, attending the Devotion Wedding Show in St. John’s a few weeks ago.

That’s why we’re thrilled to be participating in the upcoming grand opening for The Ivory Suite in Paradise tomorrow, November 9. The Ivory Suite is a new bridal store with a wide selection of hand-picked, timeless, beautiful and current bridal gowns and a shopping experience to match. It’s like a bridal retreat, and it’s stunning (not that I know much about wedding gowns, but The Berry is impressed!).

So tomorrow, we’re happy to be helping with the grand opening, as we welcome this great, new store to the area – it’s going to be a great resource for brides, no doubt. Stop by the store tomorrow to enjoy light refreshments, a chat with yours truly, and some great giveaways, including gifts from Newfoundland Chocolate and the Head Room. And not to give away any secrets, but The Doctor’s House is providing the grand prize!

The Ivory Suite is open tomorrow from 11-6. I hope you’ll stop by and enter your name in the draw. And please spread the word to any happy brides you might know!