Dinner at The Doctor’s House

Dinner at The Doctor's HouseWhen one door closes, another opens. We decided to close the Shag It for regular business for the remainder of the fall and winter (we were just too darn busy!), but The Doctor’s House is now fully licensed and serving dinners. We’ve enjoyed having guests eat there these past few weekends. You don’t have to be a guest to enjoy a meal here – simply call 582.2754 or email info@doctorshousenewfoundland.com.

On this particular evening, Joe tells me our guests were 4 sisters, who enjoyed cod au gratin to start, and seafood linguine with scollops and shrimp. Joe also accommodated a dairy and gluten free guest with roast chicken.  Dessert was poached pears with a bathed in cloves and cinnamon, topped with berries, whipped cream and a shot of brandy. Laurelyn’s kicking herself for not getting some herself!Dessert in Newfoundland

Autumn of the Year

Autumn in NewfoundlandIt’s the fall of the year, and I’m sharing this beautiful picture from Newfoundland photographer, Bud Vincent, to remind us to stop and, well, if not smell the roses, then appreciate the leaves. There’s beauty all around us, not just but especially in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, too. As it gets colder and the nights get longer, we’ve also been quite busy. So we’ve decided to cut back on the Shag It – we’ll now only be opening for private functions and group reservations. But The Doctor’s House is now fully licensed, and open for dinner reservations each weekend. Proving that when one door closes, a window opens. We hope you’ll join us there.

Budding Saturday: SS Kyle

SS Kyle in NewfoundlandNormally on Saturday’s I feature photography (artwork, really) from Bud Vincent, a great Newfoundland photographer. But we mix it up here and there when other beautiful shots come our way. This week I’m happy to share a shot from Leonard Howlett, an artist whose work we feature in the Shag It. If you follow the blog, you know he has a good eye for photos, too – and thus this week’s image of the SS Kyle, a regional landmark.

I should also report, in case you didn’t see it on Facebook, that we’re closing the Shag It for the rest of the fall/winter season, EXCEPT for private functions and group reservations booked in advance. With seating for up to 40, wifi and lots of other great features, we hope you’ll consider us for your next event or family get together!

Happy Halloween from Ocean Delight Cottages

Halloween CandyJust wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween. Sadly, we got no trick-or-treaters last year, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a few tonight.

I’m sure most parents know all the usual safety tricks – avoid dark clothing and masks, go in groups, make sure your children can’t trip in their costumes – but see here for a full list of safety tips from Health Canada.

We’ve got lots of four-leggeds, which reminds me to remind you to also keep your pets safe this holiday. Try to keep them indoors, make sure your dogs can’t find a way to get into all that chocolate, and if your pet is anxious around strangers, keep him away from trick-or-treaters. There’s so many cute pet costumes out there – make sure yours isn’t a choking hazard (and we’d love to see pics if you have them!).

I’m hoping we all enjoy this fun evening. One final tip from a father of 3 who’s ‘been there-done that’: get your children to eat a full meal before they go out collecting candy. It makes it easier for them to avoid the temptation of sneaking treats out of their bag before they get home, and also helps curb the eventual candy-gorge later that evening. Other than that, go nuts, get candy, and have fun!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Big Four Leggeds

Two Moose in NewfoundlandI had to borrow a picture from Jerry’s friend, Newfoundland photographer Bud Vincent, to share on the blog today. Have you ever seen four-leggeds as majestic as this? They sure make me proud to be on their team.

Moose are quite populous in Newfoundland, of course, and visitors who are driving our roads should know to be mindful of them. Or, if you’re on the Terra Nova Golf Resort as Bud was when he got these pictures, perhaps you should be mindful when you tee-off, too!Four Moose in Terra Nova Park in Newfoundland

On the Rocks!

Rocks on the beach in NewfoundlandThere is beauty all around us and it is free.  I took this picture in front of the house.  I was watching a beautiful sunset and looked down at my feet.  Wow – simple beauty in simple things.

Keep it simple is a good philosophy – “the main thing to remember is that the main thing is the main thing.” We had a great weekend at the Shag It, we’re excited about our new weddings planned at The Doctor’s House, and now that things are a little slower, we can catch a breath and figure out how best to use our time in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. How sweet is that!

Budding Saturday: Beauty Everywhere

Newfoundland photographySaturday’s I get to show off the beauty of Newfoundland, usually using the phenomenal work of phenomenal Newfoundland photographer Bud Vincent. I love the way Bud captures the beauty of scenes we often overlook or dismiss. I guess that’s what makes him so phenomenal!