Thanks to the Wonderful World of Whiteway

Beautiful day in Trinity Bay in Newfoundland, Canada

This will probably be one of the busiest Thanksgiving’s ever, thanks to the special Turkey Dinners we’ll be serving at the Shag It. But it is also a year filled with blessings and so many reasons to give thanks. The Berry and I have each other and work that we love, and beautiful families both near and far. And of course, we’ll be forever grateful for the day when we made the fateful decision to start our Ocean Delight journey.

Shag Rock still takes my breath away. When the sun sneaks up over the back country, it pours it light on it, our muse. They play with each other all day. Shag Rock is made alive by the many colours the sun paints it as it moves in and out the bay. It is constant and constantly changing. So I call this the Wonderful World of Whiteway  for a reason. If your spirit needs a lift, there is spirit-lifting magic here – and I am thankful for it everyday. And may God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving weekend.

Thanksgiving Plans at the Shag It

Thanksgiving at the Shag It cafeWe all like to indulge and give thanks – that’s why everyone loves this upcoming weekend, and the opportunity to spend extra time with loved ones. I’m putting on my Marketing Cap (borrowed from The Berry!) to get the word out about our specials this weekend at the Shag It. It’s our first holiday at our new cafe and we’re excited about it.

Saturday night, we’ll be offering a 3 course meal, starting at 7pm. Enjoy soup or salad, ham with scalloped potatoes and veggies, and choice of dessert, for $24.95 per person.

We’re also very excited about our plans for Sunday. Compliments of Chef Robert Piercey, we’ll be offering two sittings of a full, 3 course Thanksgiving Turkey dinner (one at 12:30, one at 6pm). It’s $29.95 per person, and we’ll have the cafe beautifully decorated for an elegant evening. Why slave in the kitchen when we can do it for you!

Anyway, if you’d like more information or to make a booking, please call Joe at 588-4649. I sincerely hope to spend time celebrating this weekend with you, and, regardless, wish you a cherished holiday with cherished family and friends. Enjoy your long weekend!

Rosie the Flying Goat

Goat at our Newfoundland Inn and Spa

We are loving Rosie the Goat – she is such a sweet addition to our Ocean Delight/The Doctor’s House family. And … it turns out she can fly!

Joe went to the barn to check on her the other morning and she wasn’t in her stall. Somehow she had flown over the 5 foot gate! Then Perry went in and found her in the rafters of the barn, overhead. We couldn’t believe our eyes.

We put her back in the stall, and without running she sprung up and over the gate into the main part of the barn. Then she jumped up on the edge of the horses’ stall and then into the rafters – in about 3 seconds – like a monkey.

When we got her down, she hopped over the half door to the barn into the yard. And she seemed to be smiling (with her cute, mischievous grin) saying, “you can’t catch, I’m the gingerbread goat.”

But she didn’t run – she just waited there for me to take her for a walk with Murphy. She loves humans and other animals, and loves walking with Murphy and me. Goats are herd animals, and she cries like a baby when she is left alone.

I have to say, of the animals I have known, she is the most amazing. She walks by my side, comes when she is called and is very playful. Imagine – all that in a goat! Or should I say, a flying goat!

The Berry’s Birthday

Celebrating a birthday at our newfoundland cottage rentals

We recently celebrated Laurelyn’s 49th (again) birthday.  Her son, Adrian, and I cooked brunch yesterday – waffles, moose sausages, bacon, and ham, and all the fixins. It was quite the meal, as we celebrated family and blessings.

Later we took Murphy, Friday (our new golden retriever!), and Rosie for a walk at The Doctor’s House, again revelling in our many blessings.

We finished the night with dinner at the Shag it – a wonderful place designed by The Berry, and more to celebrate again. We’re quite lucky, and I love when special occasions like birthdays come along to help us stop and reflect a moment on all the important things in life. It’s a great feeling!Birthday celebratings around the bay in Newfoundlanda, Canada


Tuesdays with Murphy: New Brother!

Our new golden retriever at our newfoundland cottages

What a fun weekend this has been. The Berry did some more of her famous Kijiji work and found another golden retriever looking for a forever home. Lynn loved her golden, but needed to find him a new, good home. And I can certainly attest to one thing – Ocean Delight is a dog’s paradise. The new dog (and mini-me) is living with Joe, who has named him Friday (how fitting!).

We can tell he misses Lynn, but he’s settling in well. We’ve been on some great walks already. I was looking for an assistant for my duties in Guest Relations – I think Friday is going to do quite well! He’s Joe’s first dog, and I am sure they are going to be best friends. Molly, his cat, wasn’t too please at first, but he’s warming up to it.

So please join me in welcoming Friday to the family! And we can’t thank Lynn enough for trusting us with her beautiful pet. Welcoming a new golden retriever to our newfoundland cottage rentals

Red Hat Ladies

Guests at our Newfoundland Inn and Spa

We recently had a dozen wonderful ladies join as for lunch and a tour at The Doctor’s House. They made up the Red Hat Society, fabulous women over 50. They are a lively and lovely bunch who just loved the place, the ponies and Rosie the Goat. She’s turning out to be a great ambassador for us – everyone loves her!

Thanks to the Red Hat Ladies, for making us a part of your day – we hope to see you back!Guests at our Newfoundland Inn and SpaGuests at our Newfoundland Inn and Spa

Sunset Sunday: Truly Stunning

Sunset in Newfoundlnad

Today’s Sunday Sunset comes from brilliant photographer Bud Vincent, who captures the beauty of Newfoundland in a profound way I never could. Please read the words he attached to the picture – quite inspirational:
“As I walked along the shoreline here in Harcourt tonight and saw images like this right before me, I just could not help but think, how blessed we are in this province to see and appreciate images all over the province such as these. It kept reminding me of the time I first heard this gospel song: it was titled ” The Wonderful Wonders of God.”…It was in Grand Falls, many moons ago…It was a bright sun shiny Saturday morning, and both my wife and I were travelling through Central Newfoundland. We stopped in to Grand Falls, particularly in the shopping area. Just before we did we could hear music and voices coming from somewhere. Finally, we came upon an outdoor Gospel hour type of activity..And, this beautiful song was being sung by a young man. It just stopped me in my tracks – I eventually purchased an album that he had produced. And, for many many many years I used to ‘hum’ or try to sing that song.. I just wanted to share a line or so of that song. Because this is how it makes me feel when I see so much beauty around us. And, for those of you who know me, I make sure that I capture some of those images ddigitally and to share them …

So, these images remind me of a line in that song: ‘the wonders of God, we see every day, the wonders of God in constant display..oh the wonderful wonders of God…’.”

Thanks for sharing, Bud, as always!Sunset in Newfoundland

Still Blooming

Flowers at The Doctor's House

Here are some flowers The Berry’s daughter, Rebecca, gave her last Mother’s Day. They are still blooming beautifully at The Doctor’s House, and making us smile.  The Doctor’s House is magical. The colours are starting to change around the fields, and they say it will be spectacular in a couple of weeks. I can’t wait to see it. Stay tuned to the blog for what I hope are some gorgeous fall colours!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Cousin Jayson

Guest and golden retriever at our ocean front cottage rentalsOf course I love all our guests and take my duty as Guest Relations Manager quite seriously. But my job is always just that little bit more fun when family comes to visit. This is Jerry’s nephew, Jayson. I guess that makes him my cousin? Either way, he doted on me, I doted on him, and it was fun to have him around!

Jayson was visiting Ocean Delight for a weekend getaway, only about an hour outside Torbay, where he’s from. If you’d like your own retreat, remember that we’ve got some great fall specials, both at Ocean Delight and at The Doctor’s House. I hope to see you soon!

Ladies Night Out at The Loon

Guests at our ocean front cottagesThanks to Joe Friday for this pic and story, and for always taking such good care of our guests. These lovely ladies came and stayed at The Loon cottage for their annual Ladies’ Night. Here’s Jenny, Sidney, Marina, Joann and Jill.

I love the thought of friends making time to get together and treat themselves in the process. I know my daughters have friends in far-flung places, and they try to make an effort to get together for the weekend at least once a year. It’s so important for maintaining those bonds – and therefore the quality of our lives. (And please note that at The Doctor’s House we have a special package this fall especially designed for a Girls’ Weekend – you’ll have to thank The Berry for that idea!)