Shag It Guests

Guests at our Shag It Cafe and Gift shop outside St. John's, NewfoundlandPlease forgive me if my posts are a little Shag It-centric lately – it’s a brand new endeavor we’re excited about, and it’s taking up a lot of our time as we get it running. If this blog is about my daily life in Whiteway, well, this is my daily life in Whiteway! We’re enjoying ourselves, working like dogs, making some mistakes and learning from them. Thankfully, we’ve had lots of happy customers, which inspires us to keep going and growing.

And if you believe it or not, I’ve even donned an apron to pitch in. Above are my first customers. These 4 are from Ontario (have I told you how much I love Ontarians?). Being my first customers, I made some mistakes – and they helped me laugh at myself. They enjoyed themselves so much they all bought our beautiful tee-shirts – how sweet is that?

And below are two sisters, who are repeat customers! They tell us they love everything about the place. We tell them we’re thrilled they came back!Guests at our cafe and gift shop in Whiteway, near St. John's, Newfoundland

All in the Family

Shag It Pride

Just like this time two years ago I never thought I’d be in the tourism business, this time a year ago I never thought I’d be in the restaurant one. The Shag It Cafe and Gift Shop is open, with lots of success, but also lots of learning already under our belt. Barely a week in, we’re still working on the ins and outs, but thankfully, our view, our fabulous and tasty menu, and our fun gifts, seem to be doing the trick. We’re grateful to our friends, neighbours, guests and community for supporting us so far.

I’m also very grateful because our opening happened to coincide with a visit from my daughter, Kathryn, who lives in BC. She came with her boyfriend, Victor. Both rolled up their sleeves and pitched in – it’s true what they say, many hands make light work. When your family’s involved, it’s light work indeed. And a pleasure, too.
Shag It Pride

Red Hat Ladies at The Doctor’s House!

Guests at our Newfoundland spa resort

You know I like using this blog to share special stories from our guests – well, get ready to start seeing some guests from The Doctor’s House now, too! I don’t spend quite as much time there (I hold down the fort at Ocean Delight most days!), so Rosemary got this picture and told me about the wonderful ladies who make up the Red Had Edison Club. I’m told it was one of the friends’ birthdays, so they surprised her with a night at The Doctor’s House. They said it was important to spend time with your girlfriends because they are the ones who will always be there for you. Judging by the stories my daughters tell me, I think they’re right!

Sunset Sunday: A Wake at Last

Boating and the sunset over the Atlantic Ocean in Newfoundland, Canada

I’ve always dreamed of having a boat and feel so blessed to have one now. Our boat honors that dream – truly, I am thrilled to have a wake at last. Especially when I can enjoy peaceful evenings with The lovely Berry on the ocean, watching the setting sun – my favourite!

Puffins, Puffins, Puffins

Puffings by Bud Vincent

My daughters just love puffins – and really, who doesn’t? In fact, I know of my daughters goes on whale watches in Newfoundland, more to watch these little guys struggling to take off and fly so cutely overhead, then she does to see the whales.

So puffin-watching is quite popular in Newfoundland, and so is puffin photography. Every gift shop in downtown St. John’s sells postcards and posters adorned with the little guys. But I have to say (and I’m not biased!) that these pictures, from good friend and great photographer Bud Vincent, are some of the best I’ve seen. Enjoy!
Puffings by Bud Vincent

Day Trips: Grow Dat Farms

Sustainable agriculture in Newfoundland

I took this picture on a recent day trip to Grow Dat Farms. I’m always talking up the great day trips you can take on the Baccalieu Trail, so this summer, in our very limited free time, The Berry and I are trying to practice what we preach. Grow Dat Farms in nearby Heart’s Delight was a great place to start. They’ve got fruit, flowers, vegetables, and herbs, all organic and fresh. And of course, chickens! We love their hen house – makes me wonder if it’s something I could replicate at The Doctor’s House. Regardless, it’s a fun place to visit, and just a reminder to guests – we love giving recommendations if you’re looking for fun things to do in the area, and we have a list of local activities here.

The Berry Blogs!

The Berry, Boating

Turns out I’m not the only one with a hand for blogging – please check out this wonderful piece, written by The Berry! Laurelyn was happy to guest post for the Newfoundand and Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs, an organization I know she is proud to be a member of and support. With an extensive network they help women start, grow and advance leading-edge businesses (remind you of anyone?). Writing And Now for Our Next Act, Laurelyn outlines our journey from clueless about the hospitality industry to now operating three unique ventures. It’s a great read!

Birthday on the Bay

Birthday Girl on the Atlantic

So much going on to be grateful for. Most importantly – my daughter and her boyfriend, Victor, are here to visit for a week. And, the recreational food fishery has started – bring on the A Wake at Last and the fishing! We celebrated Kathryn’s birthday yesterday with a boat trip and it was just what the doctor ordered. Picnic, fishing, presents (Kathryn loves her Shag It apron, now available since this is our first week open!), and time with loved ones. What a treat.
Shag It Gift

Shag It from Beyond the Shore

cafe and gift shop in Newfoundland

Murphy, gentledog that he is, happily gave up his Tuesday blogging post so that I could share some happy news that has been a long time coming – we have opened the Shag It Cafe and Gift Shop! Yesterday was quite busy and a bit of a blur, but I’ll upload some pictures soon (and stay tuned for upcoming events and specials!).  We’re really thrilled to be able to offer fresh, healthy and local food and beautiful gift and art items, not only to our guests at the cottages, but to our community and passing visitors as well.

When we say we have an amazing view because we are right on the water, we mean, we have an amazing view because we are RIGHT on the water! Here’s the Shag It Cafe and Gift Shop as photographed from our boat, The Awake at Last. Now that we’re open, it’s going to be fun to see this patio filled with (hopefully happy!) customers!Our Whiteway Cottages and Newfoundland cafe and gift shop