Man Hands

What do you get when you work you fingers to the bone? Boney Fingers!

Well, I got the hands my father always wanted me to have. Growing up, whenever we shook hands he would pull away and always say, “you have hands like a girl.” I liked that, probably because he didn’t. And besides, I always thought that smooth and soft hands were a calling to a lifestyle different from my ancestors.

But here’s a couple of pics after a hard day’s work on Project DIY (we’re renovating an apartment I rent) – we’ve been knee-deep in hard labour quite literally for over a week now. I look like the Chimney Sweep in Mary Poppins. I don’t have finger prints – they got worn off.

But there is a big reward for this kind of work. It is good for the mind, body and soul, and at the end of a day you can measure what you did. And then take some Advil, pour a bath and a Malbec, put on Christmas music, and soak the day away. I went from no finger prints to prune hands (not to be confused with these ‘Man Hands’). Life is good when you do that!

Tis the Season … for lots of Parties

Despite being generally quite tired most of the time from all the physical DIY labour I’ve been putting into a property in St. John’s, put me in a party, get the music going, and I become the Energizer Bunny. Under my tutelage, The Berry is becoming quite the dancer, too – and we can dance the night away. These pictures are from the Masonic Lodge Christmas Dinner and Dance in Heart’s Content last weekend. Of course, like many of you, this is only one of the Christmas parties we’ve attended so far this season – and it won’t be the last. But check out my great dance moves below, and you’ll see why I say, ‘bring ’em on!’And guys, don’t forget – we’re running a contest so that one lucky winner can spend a weekend for FREE at the cottages. There’s plenty of time left to enter, and at this point not a huge number of entries – so the odds are in your favour. Check it out!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Bathtime!

Well it is back to normal – if you remember, last week I graciously ceded my Tuesday blogging space to Jerry so he could share our win of the 2012 Canadian Blog Awards (not many non-humans are so celebrated – I am truly honoured!). And there’s been a bit of a ‘to-do’ with this new website design (make sure to update your ‘favourites’ if you’d saved our old blog address – this one is slightly different), including a contest to win a free stay at the cottages.

And now, without further ado, we return to your regularly scheduled Murphy blogging schedule ….

Well, the other night, my humans were acting decidedly inhuman – they thought I needed a bath. Jerry thought he’d entice me into the bathtub easily. I’m a good boy so I always obey, but I got in very reluctantly and the got right back out again very enthusiastically several times over.

So I had to hear Jerry to say “Good boy, Murphy” at least a 1000 times. Every time I pretended I was going to bolt, he would go into his chant. Music to my wet ears, you might say.

Don’t tell them, but it wasn’t too bad. I got massaged with Baby Shampoo (the kind that doesn’t sting the eyes), and I got the best petting by The Berry and Jerry I could ever hope for. I guess this bath stuff has its upside.

And look at me now – all clean, bright and shiny. Maybe I should trick my humans into taking me to see Devon tomorrow. I don’t want to waste these good looks!


Rest on the Seventh Day

Sunset Sunday was created to give us a day of rest, and boy do we need it! Between some significant DIY work in one of our St. John’s locations, and – more obviously – getting the new website operational (!!!!!!!), plus some extra work for The Berry and an awesome party last night, we are pooped! If you’re reading this, it means our new site is working on your servers, which is awesome. We’re waiting until tomorrow to officially ‘launch’ – to make sure it’s completely up and running without any hitches. In the meantime, enjoy the sunsets, enjoy each other, and stay tuned for an upcoming contest to celebrate our new duds!

Winter Wonderland … This Could be You!

Perhaps this particular post is a little too self/cottage-indulgent – I don’t tend to use this space to advertise much. But hey, I was just voted for a 2012 Canadian Blog Award in the Business or Professional Life category (thanks again!).

Anyway, (surprise, surprise), I love Whiteway in Winter (when don’t I love it?). And I think we’ve come up with a fun way to share it with you over the holidays – with the New Year’s Even package we’re rolling out. We’re calling it our ‘New Year’s Resolution Package’ – since so many people resolve to spend more time with their family and friends! So we thought we’d make that a bit easier, with early check-in and late check-out, sparkling wine, a surprise celebration bag, a ‘morning after’ continental breakfast basket, and snowshoes and firewood for 2. Check over here if you’d like more details and pricing.

So there! That’s my pitch! If you don’t like it, don’t get mad at me – The Berry made me do it!!

Finally, stay tuned – this weekend we’re going to be revamping our website – we think you’ll like the new look. And we’ll be rolling out a contest (our first) to go along with it. Looks like the holidays are getting us in the Ocean Delight mood!

Hell is Freezing Over

Now that things are winding down a bit and the mornings are colder, and after working like mad all season, I’m finding myself doing something I’ve never done before – sleeping in! I never used to sleep in – not even when I was sick. This past weekend I even slept til 11 – for shame! It was heaven!

So this is how you find me most mornings – a little groggy, reading the news, checking in with my daughters (I email everyday), maybe working on a blog post. I have to say, there are worse ways to start the day!

Santa Clause Comes to Whiteway

This shot was sent to us from a friend – it looks like the real Santa is in town! If you can’t figure out who this really is, then I’m not telling! Let me know in the comments if you know who this Kris Kringle Impostor really is!

Like so many other people, I’m getting into the Christmas spirit. I love getting presents ready for my girls, decorating the house, eating fruit cake. And this year, after the gift of all your wonderful votes, I feel like Christmas has come early, since I won a 2012 Canadian Blog Award. No coal in my stocking this year!

All We Can Say Is – THANK YOU!

I asked Murphy if we could postpone his post for the day, and he was all too happy to oblige – because I have some special news to announce. And that is, thanks to all your votes (and all your patience with me soliciting them!), our humble little blog has won a 2012 Canadian Blog Award, in our category of Best Business or Professional Life Blog.

I’ve been blessed in my professional life to have won a few accolades, but few can compete with this honour. Writing everyday and sharing the Wonderful World of Whiteway has become a passion, and to have your votes and your support and to know that you enjoy what I do means the world. I’m also very grateful to The Berry for her input and help in getting these posts up – it’s my face you see on here everyday, but Ocean Delight is in every way truly a 2-person effort. And of course, my co-blogger, Murphy, wants to thank you, too. I need to double check – I think I may be the only Newfoundlander to win this year, but I know Murphy is the only dog to!

And stay tuned ….. to thank everyone for voting, we’re going to be rolling out a little contest (and a new website!) in the coming days.

Santa’s a Bayman!

Look closely at the float above, and you’ll see – Santa is a bayman! No wonder he’s so jolly! As you can see, we recently had the 45th Cavendish-Whiteway Santa Clause Parade. I was surprised by the level of participation (although I’ve lived here long enough to know that Whiteway is rarely not surprising). And to top it off, afterwards everyone headed to the Fire Hall for a free lunch – how is that for community spirit? I think Ocean Delight might have to enter a float next year!

Clifford George was Santa – perfect! And since we’re getting into that season, keep an eye on our Specials and Packages page – we’re currently offering a Buy One Night, Get One Half Off Special, and we’ll be rolling out another package soon. Remember, romantic getaways make great, unique gifts!