Pony Up

Newfoundland Ponies at our innHoo-wee – what a week! You’ll forgive me if I take a break from my regularly scheduled blogging duties to indulge in a little, simple Newfoundland pony blogging? Hopefully these beauties are worth at least a few hundred words, as we’ve been running mad getting everything ready for wedding season (plus, getting our new guest house ready for its grand opening!).  Don’t forget – Dining at The Doctor’s House is open to the public tonight – perhaps we’ll see you there?

Tuesdays with Murphy: Sprawled Off

pets at our cottagesIt’s a dog and cat’s life, here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. There’s always a new guest to meet, a two-legged to entertain, a few sticks to save from the waves of the Atlantic ocean. We only get 4 or 5 naps like this a day, so we have to make the most of them! Here I am with Shadow, reminding you that two pets are better than one (that’s why I hope you take advantage of our pet’s welcome policy here at the cottages and bring some friends for me to play with this summer!). And reminding Jerry and The Berry that sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie!

Sunset Sunday: Memories

Shag Rock in NewfoundlandAhhh, memories. We’ve been too busy with the Downhome Expo (and that’s a good thing, if a bit exhausting!) to catch any sunsets these past few days. This beautiful photo is a week or two old. But the memories, of course, last a lifetime – and sustain through days when we have less time than we’d like to stop and smell the proverbial roses!

Manning the Booth

Manning a tourism boothHere’s a short Saturday post. Short, because we’ve been busy at the Downhome Expo, manning a booth. The Berry and I are both manning our booth, and we’ll be a drawing for a Spring Fling Package (a $350 value, including tax) to boot. We’re in Arena 2 of the Glacier – make sure to pop over and say hi!

Calling All Artists and Photographers!

Paint brushes in Whiteway, NewfoundlandHere’s a reminder that we’re just a few weeks away from the beloved Spring Hare, an annual story-telling, poetry reading and art display event that celebrates local talent and art. Our friend, Albert tells us that they’re still looking for artists and photographers who would like to display their art. If you’re interested, please see below, and please share with anyone you think might be interested.

Whiteway Spring Hare notice


Tuesday’s with Murphy: It Won’t Be Long Now

Hiking with our dogs in newfoundlandAhhh, after a long winter hiatus, I’m stretching my paws and flexing my literary muscles, to get back to blogging, my third passion (nothing tops playing fetch in the ocean, or dog naps with my 3 cats, of course). New readers might not know that sometimes, on Tuesdays, my human, Jerry relinquishes the blogging reigns to me, Murphy, the four-legged ring-leader of this multi-pronged tourism operation. I haven’t blogged all winter, but now that we’re heading into our busy summer season, Jerry deserves a break now and then!

So today I’m waxing reflective, looking ahead to what is in my near future – the walk to Hopeall Falls. This hiking trail starts close to our cottages, and it’s a walk my golden retriever brother, Friday, routinely take our humans on.

They get to turn off their cells phones, stretch their legs, and enjoy some peace and quiet (and often a little mug-up, too), while we swim in the river, hopelessly chase rabbits and dash through the trees. Friday likes to roll in the mud, so I’m often forced to join – but only so he’s not embarrassed by being the only one covered in dirt, of course.

There are lots of walks around here, but Hopeall Falls is definitely my favourite. And I can’t wait for the lazy days of summer, to enjoy it regularly again (we’ve got some Spring Specials on the go, if you’re ready for a getaway now). And remember, pets are welcome at Ocean Delight for a small fee – trust us, it’s a four-legged’s dream!

A Nice Walk

Hiking at our Newfoundland cottages

The Berry is in 7th Heaven. Her daughter, Rebecca, son-in-law, Rich and granddaughter, Nell, all recently moved back to Newfoundland. It’s a big day in any family when the prodigal children return!

One of the ways we’ve celebrated was by welcoming the young family at the cottages for a few days.  While here, we went for a walk on one of the dozens of beautiful trails in the area.  This particular one is about 20km, although we didn’t come close to walking the whole thing.

It was a gorgeous walk as Rich, Rebecca, Nell, The Berry, Friday, Murphy and I took in the sun and fresh air. Having easy access to these beautiful hikes is one of my favourite things about the Wonderful World of Whiteway – so current and future guests, if you’re looking for advice or directions to the best ones, just ask!

Sunset Sunday: Priceless

Newfoundland suncatchersA picture is worth a thousand words, and a sun-catcher? Priceless. The Berry’s mother makes these beautiful pieces, and I’m grateful that a few have wound up in our home. They’re always pretty, of course, and at sunrise and sunset they make our whole room dance with magical light. It’s truly a sight to see. Happy Sunday!

The Doctor’s Last Minute Club!

The Doctor's HouseThe Doctor’s House opens today, and we’ve got a fun way to kick off our season. We tend to book up quickly, but last minute cancellations can and do happen. And since we’re only an hour outside St. John’s, we know lots of locals would love to come out here to the Bacalieu Trail more often.

So, introducing The Doctor’s Last Minute Club! Anytime we have last-minute openings or specials, you’ll be the first to know. It’s a great way to squeeze in a few weekend getaways this summer at a great price. Sign up here!

A View that Won’t Quit

view at our ocean front cottagesWe get it. With that lingering brown snow, it’s hard to get a case of Spring Fever this year. But trust us – this view of Shag Rock is beautiful and relaxing any time of year. With The Doctor’s House opening this Friday (this Friday!) and our current Spring Specials, we’re doing our level best to pull our fellow Newfoundlanders out of this long-winter-funk. After the season we’ve had, don’t we deserve it???