Add a Little Romance

Maybe it’s because I had to spend last night alone as The Berry had a girls’ night at Heart’s Delight with some of her friends from town, but I’m in the mood to talk about romance. And maybe do a little promotion, too – hey, I am running a business here after all! We’ve had several guests now take advantage of our One Great Getaway special, and it’s so great when they do. I know I’m just at an old romantic at heart – I think I get more pleasure out of setting up their wine and cheese baskets than they do!

There’s only a few weeks left, so don’t miss out if you’re interested in a weekend filled with extra goodies. What I’m learning from being so busy in our first year running this business is that it’s so important to put your relationship first, and little things make a big difference. Plus, what could be more fun than watching the sunset in these baby blues with your loved one?

And finally (are you sick of it yet??), please consider voting me for the TopBlog awards if you enjoy reading my blog (click here, then find my category – Best Professional or Business Life Blog – on the bottom left, no log-in necessary). I write this mainly for pleasure, but what can I say – the positive feedback is nice!

Sunset Sunday: Remembrance Day

Since this is Remembrance Day weekend, if ever there was a day to sit by the ocean and contemplate life and our many blessings and many struggles, this is it.

I remember a long time ago I was driving across Newfoundland on business on November 11 and this song came on.  And you know me, I didn’t cry (at least not much; OK – maybe I did have to pull off the road for a few minutes; OK – maybe for more than a few minutes). I thought of my father who went over in 1939, a mere boy of 17 (who falsified his birth certificate). He came back 6 years later a much older and changed man. War has killed the boy in many a man. It is nasty business and we owe them so much.

So please, not that you need me to remind you – take a minute today to remember all those who have sacrificed so much.

Berry Nice

Here’s The Berry, my partner in crime – this blog may seem Jerry-centric, but these cottages certainly aren’t. I’ve never seen anyone work like she does. And there’s been plenty to do around here in our first year.

Anyway, we’re hoping to get to relax a little bit this weekend. Seems like we only get minutes, not even hours, to ourselves these days, so we have to take advantage of every opportunity we get. What are your plans?

And please, if you have a second and you enjoy reading my daily posts, I’d appreciate your vote for the TopBlogs award – just go to this link (no log-in needed), find the Best Professional Life category on the bottom left, and vote away! Thank yoU!

Surfing in New Melbourne

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it! Turns out New Melbourne, less than hour away from the cottages, is the surfing capital of Atlantic Canada. Now, you may remember that Joe Friday and I boldly took to the seas last winter (don’t forget, there’s video!), but this is just a little more professional!

When we got there, we were amazed to see someone surfing in Newfoundland in November. But there he was, in all his glory, riding some the nicest waves I have seen – and I have travelled up the down the east and west coast of North America and been to many beaches all over the world. Little did I know we had some of the best in our backyard? Wow!

Finally, thanks to Alan for the pictures. If you remember yesterday’s post, he was brought to Ocean Delight as a surprise. And finally, I’ll be posting about this more soon, but a big thank you to all who voted for me for the TopBlog award – I made it to the final round, and am a bit embarrassed to have to ask you to vote again! Thankfully, it’s easy – no log-in or registration needed. Just head to this link, find the category on the bottom left called Best Professional or Business Blog, and vote for humble little Jerry by the Sea! Thank you!

The Great Kidnapping

Talk about your romantic getaway! This past weekend Ocean Delight was the scene of a kidnaping, but I don’t think the ‘victim’ was too concerned: Susan brought her husband, but didn’t tell him where they were going until they got here! And the surprise kicker for us is that Alan is an old, long lost friend, going back 20 years. So they got to enjoy a weekend away, and we got to enjoy catching up and making up for lost time. Win win! And check out our current promotion which helps you plan the perfect romantic getaway, too.

They also brought their dog, Annie, who (if you remember yesterday’s blog) made quite an impression on Murphy!

Tuesdays with Murphy: More Puppy Love

Another great thing about my new life at the cottages: there’s no shortage of lady four-leggeds making visits! This weekend, Annie brought out her humans, Alan and Susan, for a romantic surprise weekend (I think Jerry plans on blogging about them!). The humans were nice, but it was their guardian I was more concerned with!

We played and swam and talked to each other every chance we got. And although she can run faster than me, she is no match for me in the water. I guess that’s because I get so much practice, what with Jerry and The Berry needing me to fetch things in the Atlantic each day. Anyway, you know the drill – I let her beat me a few times. That’s the only way to be a gentleman!

Spring of the Year?????

I went out to the garden this weekend and there it was – a rose in full bloom in November! Then I went to the front deck and there he was – a blue jay in full bloom in November! WOW in WWW – again! The wonders of this place never end.

We’ve learned that when they were trying to find out where they were going to put the golf course in Trinity Bay, they studied the weather patterns for the last 50 years for ten towns in the area. Turns out that Whiteway won, hands down. It has a unique micro-climate with the best weather in the bay. Proof that I’m not just blowing smoke when I say that it truly is special out here! And I’ll take roses and blue jays in November any day!

Sunset Sunday: Bud’s View

This week’s Sunset Shot is so stunning for two reasons, I think. First, it’s a Newfoundland sunset, outside the overpass, so how could it not take your breath away? And the second reason is the skilled photographer. Capturing natural beauty on film is a true art form. And our friend Bud Vincent is a true artist. Take a look at his website and portfolio and you’ll have a hard time believing he’s self taught! And please, keep checking back on this site, as we’d love to be able to use more of his work in the future.

Stormy Thoughts

Here’s a shot captured by one of our guests a few weeks ago in Long Point Cove, at our Heart’s Delight cottages. I’m inclined to call our beach-front cabins a ‘Storm Watcher’s Paradise,’ but after all the destruction wrought last week that doesn’t seem quite so appropriate to say now. We get our share of wild weather here on this little rock in the ocean, but thankfully, so far and God-willing, we’ve been spared many of the worst storms like our southern neighbours. My oldest daughter lives in Virginia, and thanks to our years living in the US, we have plenty of dear friends living all along the Eastern Shoreboard. Like we all have been, our thoughts are with them, wishing a speedy recovery and calmer weather in the future.

Moving Shag Rock

As you know, Shag Rock is quite the tourist attraction, right up there with icebergs. Tourists love icebergs, period! So, in an effort to increase (funny) business, we have decided to make the best of both worlds. Here is a picture of the Canadian Coast Guard’s CCG Ann Harvey towing Shag Rock into Derek Jackson’s Boat Yard in Whiteway. The community is coming together to paint it white. Then we will tow it back to location and tell everyone it is an iceberg. We are taking donations for paint.

We will also soon be holding our second annual Wonderful World of Whiteway Submarine Race. Here is the picture of last year’s winner. It was a photo finish, won by the Alberta Navy!