Bingo Calling

Before coming to the Wonderful World of Whiteway, I hadn’t played Bingo in about 45 years, I think. And even here, game night was starting to fade, and there was talk of shutting it down. There was talk, that is, until Hilda, The Queen of Bingo herself, got actively involved. She found ways to cut expenses and promote it, even volunteering to call it herself.

We went a night she was calling, Laurelyn made $20, and we had a lot of fun – so much so we went back the week after. This time, LL was one number away from winning the $500 jackpot. I’m almost glad she didn’t win – she likes to brag when she beats me. Luckily, that never happens … OK! OK! Maybe it happened once during the fishing season … OK! OK! Maybe it was every time she went out with me! I let her win!

But bingo is back, and Hilda and her rescue committee are to be congratulated. They play every Wednesday at the Rec Centre from 8:30 – 10 PM. Come have some fun.

Tuesdays With Murphy: In the Doghouse

I hope I haven’t given the impression that just because I live in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, it’s all fun and games out here. I can’t leave my humans alone for 5 minutes without them coming up with some new special project that, of course, I have to supervise. Take The Berry (a.k.a. Miss Kijiji), whose dalliance with online bargain shopping led us to one of our more recent work days – setting up the dog house.

When Jerry, Joe and Alf backed in the trailer, I knew it was ‘go’ time – these men can’t be expected to supervise themselves! Of course, the humans are calling this 6X6 from Mount Pearl a ‘shed,’ but I know what it really is …. four small walls, small roof, set outside in viewing distance from the house – that’s a doghouse if I ever saw one. Maybe it’s a bit bigger than the standard, but I’ve already seen Jerry ‘in the doghouse’ more than once. But not to worry, gentlemen – if your time in the doghouse starts becoming more literal than figurative, you’ll know I’ll be right along beside you to keep you company!

Love is in the (Ocean) Air

We had another first here at the cottages, of the best kind. Corey proposed to Amanda while staying in The Gannet, and she said ‘yes’ – and we couldn’t be happier for them. We felt blessed to be involved in the process in even a small way. Corey and Amanda were clearly made for each other, their smiles bigger than the diamond, their obvious love for each other making the mood here sweet and electric at the same time. Am I rambling? Don’t blame me – blame it on the young love!

While it’s too early to have set a date yet, we wish Corey and Amanda all the best and hope to see them back. They’ll at least have to send us some wedding photos! 

Oh! The Sunsets

I’ve already blogged about how my ‘church’ is Nature, specifically watching the sun set, specifically watching the sun set over the ocean. I think it’s the same for The Berry. I got this beautiful shot of her looking out at the sunset in wonder, awe and reflection. I thought it perfectly captured the moment – full of natural beauty (she gets that from her mother), strength and determination (which I hope I share with her). She puts me in mind of Mary from Random Passage (and, if you haven’t seen this movie, you must if you want to know who we Newfoundlanders are as a people).

We are grateful for all that the summer has brought and the lessons learned (we’re now rated number one in hotels in the province on TripAdvisor), but it’s been a lot of hard work. Hard work, and fun, too. We’re a little older, a lot wiser, and looking forward to things slowing down a bit so we can begin planning for our future. And continue enjoying our view every evening.

Bogged Down

Since I rarely get the chance to use our ATV these days, I leave it at our Heart’s Delight cottages for guests to use to explore the back country (lots of it out this way). Many have enjoyed it. The most recent, maybe a bit too much – leading to another Ocean Delight adventure (I’m ALMOST getting too old for this!)

So the last person to use the ATV was Sean, visiting from Ontario. He went exploring after a night of heavy rain, and it wasn’t long before the bogs of Newfoundland wrapped themselves around the young man and held on tight.

Sean was alright of course, but what about the ATV? She had to be rescued from her muddy grave, so Sean’s Dad, Wayne, and his relative, Neville, set out with me, Murphy, and some ropes to do the job. We saved the day, and it if it looks like we’re having fun, it’s because we were – boys will be boys! Of course, we never would have managed if Murphy wasn’t there to supervise and bark out orders!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Murphy Babysits

This young lad enjoying a dip in the Atlantic Ocean is Phoenix, a very frisky four-legged who owns Jerry’s niece, Robin – he brought Robin here last week thinking she’d like to spend a night around the bay with her parents (I think he was right!). Only 3 months old, Phoenix was full of energy (almost too much)- thankfully, I am renowned for my patience and was able to babysit him all day.

And it’s a good thing I took him under my wing, too. At one point, brazenly trying to follow me on my walk around the cliffs of Whiteway, he wandered too close to the edge (as all young things are wont to do) and fell over. Thankfully I was there to show him the way back to safety – and he never left my side the rest of the visit.

So, I gave him a swimming lesson, and he took to the water like a natural – maybe not up to my retriever standards, but I’m sure much more so then that Mabel. Anyway, I was happy to show Phoenix the Whiteway ropes and I hope he’ll come back soon to play with me again – every puppy needs a mentor, and I think I’m just the one.

Kayaking in Trinity Bay

We had two kayakers stay with us last week – Art and Don, both engineers, both from St. John’s. And they’re both my age or older, but you’d never think that looking at them – making me wonder if I should take up this sport! Anyway, they told us that this is a great place for kayaking – you can even go right through Shag Rock.

The Berry and I are thinking about getting canoes and kayaks to rent for next summer. Obviously I’ll let you know if we do!

Newfoundland Talent

I’ll never cease to be amazed at the creative output that exists on this little island – how can so small a group of people have this seemingly endless supply of world-class artists? Even just here in our little community, the Wonderful World of Whiteway could be renamed the Wonderful World of Artists.

So I’m a little late with this post (who else is time flying by for? I meant to do this blog post last weekend!), but I was introduced to yet another extraordinary talent, Amelia Curran, at a concert in Cupids. She is a female Leonard Cohen – her lyrics are from heaven and hell, and she stunned me with her creative brilliance and wordplay.

The venue was the New World Theatre, so we got to enjoy the show outside under canvas roots that rattled with the winds. It was completely natural (no sound systems) and completely divine. Anyway, Amelia is currently touring in Ireland, but she’ll be back on the rock in October, and I highly recommend taking in her (indoors!) concert if you can!

We Stand on Guard

Examine this picture closely – it’s not just a shot of Shag Rock. If you notice to the left of it, there’s what looks like smoke rising out of the water. And that’s just what our guest, Tim, saw on Thursday night while having a BBQ on the deck of The Blueberry, which overlooks Trinity Bay. Confirming it with binoculars, he realized a long liner was on fire.

Tim called me, I called Guardian Angel Alf, Alf called Clifford George (and told me to call the fire department). Alf and Clifford raced for Clifford’s boat to afford a rescue, if possible.

In minutes the smoke had turned to flame – from the shore we could see the inferno with our naked eyes. In no time, there were other boats coming from other closer communities, too. That’s what we do in Newfoundland – we can always rely on our neighbours in an emergency.

Alf and Clifford were second at the scene. They talked to the Skipper, who luckily (or by Divine Intervention) was towing a boat behind him (a standard safety precaution). He and the first mate (the only two people on board) barely had time to get in it before the flames completely overwhelmed their boat.

The fire started in the engine room, and the small crew only had time to get out one May Day before they were forced to abandon ship. The captain had to sit and watch his boat burn to the water’s edge.

Clifford came home and couldn’t get the scene out of his mind – so, as he is wont to do, he painted what he had seen to get some peace. He then brought the painting over to Alf as a memento of the near-tragic event.

Thank God no one was hurt. It makes us appreciate our view of the ocean even more – it allows us to take notice of what’s actually going on out there. And thankfully our guests can’t keep their eyes off it like we can’t. Since no one was injured, the story was just a little one on the news, but you can tell from Cliff’s picture below that it was a harrowing, unforgettable night for all involved. 

Oh Sunny, Don’t Go Away

You can consider yourself an official Jerry by the Sea fan if you remember my first post about Sunny the Goat, way back in February. Sunny lives a happy life with Clifford and Shirley George, and must love this summer we’ve been having – all these sunny days, just like her namesake. She’s a cutie if ever there were one, and when Allison, the Georges’ daughter, sent me these shots, I knew I had to share them on my blog!Non-Newfoundlanders may not get the title of this post, a reference to one of the greatest songs by one of (if not the) greatest Newfoundland musicians, Ron Hynes. I got to see him perform live once, and it was so good it was almost life-changing – please take the opportunity if you ever get it. We learned this summer that Ron Hynes is battling throat cancer, so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.