Christening “Awake At Last”

We Christened the “Awake at Last,” our beautiful Boston Whaler, on Father’s Day – an what a Father’s Day gift it was. We took her to Shag Rock, moored off Long Point Cove (in front of our Heart’s Delight ocean-front cabins), took some pictures, enjoyed naps and champagne, and had a great afternoon on the water. What a day, thanks to the help and kindness of Alf Harnum, our wonderful neighbour, mentor and guardian! Ahhh, a wake at last in “Awake at Last!” Now we can’t wait for the Canada Day long weekend (check the Current Specials to learn about our Weekend Special so you can join us) to take this baby out and really celebrate!

Shag in the Mist


Shag Rock is a a constant of life in the Wonderful World of Whiteway – constantly there, constantly beautiful and mysterious, and constantly changing. Yesterday a mass of fog swarmed it in a matter of minutes. It looks different every time I see it (even when I can’t). I love to sit by the beach now and watch the sunset to the music of the waves, my rocky muse standing guard. Even when you need a sweater, it’s stunning and life-affirming – a true gift.

Picnic, Anyone?

The other day we had a huge storm outside the Wonderful World of Whiteway that caused a storm surge here at the cottages. Alf said it will likely be the biggest high tide of the season, and Alf knows.

We were sitting at the supper table and The Berry saw something from the window. “What’s that?” she yelled.

“That, my dear, is the picnic table we had on the beach,” I said. We had it as high up the beach as we could get it, well above the high water mark, but apparently not high enough for that surge.

Now it is on its way to Ireland. If I had known, I would have painted it green.

Whatever Floats Your Boat

This beauty came with the cottages, and I’ve been working on getting it – and myself – up to code. Our friend Alf and I got the motors working the other day, but there’s lots left to do before she goes into the water (at least according to Alf). Lucky for me, Alf has that rare expertise that comes not only from a life on the sea, but from a keen mechanical mind as well. He says not to worry because he’ll teach me everything I need to know about boating. I say he may not know how much of a commitment he is making, given the numbers of teachers I’ve left in my wake!

So much to learn!  I also signed up for a Digital Photography workshop next weekend (see links on the right).  Now that I am the proud owner of my Nikon D-3100 birthday gift, I’ll need to learn how to use is so that I can take pictures out on the water in the boat that I don’t know how to use! 

Trinity Dolphins

Forget the Miami Dolphins, here are the Trinity Dolphins. I loved being in Gros Morne, but was so happy to get back home to the Wonderful World of Whiteway. Yesterday morning proved the saying ‘there’s no place like home’: when I got up and had my coffee, looking at Shag Rock (my new muse), I saw a pod of about 20 dolphins herding fish. It was amazing, and it is only March – this is going to be a great whale-watching season!

I wish I had a better camera – maybe I’ll have to invest in one before summer. If you want an idea of what such a pod is like up-close, I highly recommend you check out this video of dolphins in Trinity Bay – it’s awesome.

Daylight Savings Show Off

I hope no one forgot about Daylight Savings this weekend. I’m an early riser so I welcome the change. And Sunday was especially bright and sunny in Whiteway, so I thought I’d show off Shag Rock basking in all its glory. I’m truly grateful to wake up to this view every morning, and go to bed with it every night.

Catch a Wave

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Joe and I are turning Trinity Bay into the next surfing capital. All you need is gale force winds, boxer shorts and toilet seat covers, and suddenly our coast looks just like California’s!

(Note, we don’t reccomend this to the non-crazed – those waves could be dangerous!)