Pretty Ponies

Newfoundland ponies at a Newfoundland resortThere is one thing for certain – The Doctor’s House, an animal sanctuary, has some beautiful residents. I never thought I’d be responsible for ponies, but then again, I never thought I’d be doing so much that we do out here in our new lives as Innkeepers and Restauranteurs. I wouldn’t trade it – or them – for anything.

Thanks to our genius chef, Anna Dohey, for capturing such great photos and passing them along. You can see more on our Facebook page. Anna is also behind our New Year’s Eve menu, which we’re excited about. Clearly she is a woman of many talents!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Three Amigos

Three pets in rural Newfoundland

Don’t we make a handsome bunch! Here I am with pals Friday and Molly, cozying up on Joe’s bed. I love it when I get to spend time at Uncle Joe’s – sometimes I even get to sleepover. It’s especially fun because Joe now lives at The Doctor’s House – meaning I get more time to play with Monty the Pony, Rosie the Goat, and all the other four leggeds over there. I’m hoping I’ll be allowed to stay over this New Year’s Eve – I hear they have a fun night planned, complete with a romantic meal by the fire and live music. And champagne at midnight, not that I personally ever imbibe!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Friends Relax


Golden retriever and devon rex cat at our ocean front Newfoundland cottagesAs our Ocean Delight family has grown (from some small cottages to now including the Shag It, still open for private functions and holiday get-togethers, and The Doctor’s House), so too has the number of four-leggeds who get to relax on a Sunday afternoon. Here’s Molly, our famed Devon Rex, and Friday, our new Murphy-imposter, enjoying lots of free time at Joe’s. Sunday’s my favourite day of the week, too – it’s the only time I can get Jerry and Laurelyn to stop working for a few hours! Anyway, here’s to lots more warm, cuddle sessions as the holidays get closer.

Tuesdays with Murphy: Walking with Rosie

Golden retriever and goat

With this past busy holiday weekend at the Shag It Cafe and wedding event planning at The Doctor’s House, the two-leggeds around here think they’ve been  busy dealing with lots of changes. But it’s really the four-leggeds who’ve had the most to deal with it. I now have not one but TWO new little ones to mind and show the ropes – on top of all my Guest Relations duties.

Joe of course has his new golden retriever, named Friday – he’s sweet and smart, but it’s still going to be a lot of work for me to show him all of our Ocean Delight ways. And Rosie, well she’s a unique one. And a new partner for Jerry and me when we go on our morning walks. She must think she’s a dog, because she acts just like one.

Anyway, I don’t mind my extra charges. It’s like I always say – we four leggeds have to stick together!

Tuesdays with Murphy: New Brother!

Our new golden retriever at our newfoundland cottages

What a fun weekend this has been. The Berry did some more of her famous Kijiji work and found another golden retriever looking for a forever home. Lynn loved her golden, but needed to find him a new, good home. And I can certainly attest to one thing – Ocean Delight is a dog’s paradise. The new dog (and mini-me) is living with Joe, who has named him Friday (how fitting!).

We can tell he misses Lynn, but he’s settling in well. We’ve been on some great walks already. I was looking for an assistant for my duties in Guest Relations – I think Friday is going to do quite well! He’s Joe’s first dog, and I am sure they are going to be best friends. Molly, his cat, wasn’t too please at first, but he’s warming up to it.

So please join me in welcoming Friday to the family! And we can’t thank Lynn enough for trusting us with her beautiful pet. Welcoming a new golden retriever to our newfoundland cottage rentals

Tuesdays with Murphy: Dogs and Their Sticks

Dogs playing in the Atlantic OceanThere’s nothing better than a good stick, and a good friend to share a romp in the ocean. Here’s me and Bandit, a good friend who came to visit not too long ago. Personally, I’d rather chew on a stick on a bone, and I think Bandit feels the same way!

I’m hoping to have some more friends come and join me, now that we have some fall packages on the go. There’s still so much for a four-legged to get into out here, even though summer’s over!Dog playing in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: For the Dogs

Golden Retriever plays at our Inn grounds

People often tell me I could have been a show dog, and who am I to argue? Alas, it’s a working life for this dog, making sure our guests are happy and taken care of. But if you’re a dog lover, you might be interested in a dog show coming up, alerted to us by Albert Legge, who’s good friends with Jerry and The Berry. Please see below (above is me exploring the some of grounds of The Doctor’s House in early spring, by the way!):

Also if you love dogs and you would enjoy watching dog shows come along on Saturday and/or Sunday (Aug 31 and Sept 1) Admission is $2.00/adults $1.00/children under 12 or $5.00/family. There will be 4 dog shows (morning and afternoon both days) and a Junior Handling Show as well. There will also be a Silent Auction! This event is sponsored by the Conception Bay Kennel Club… Please share this message with anyone who might be interested.

Tuesdays with Murphy: Not in MY Henhouse!

Golden retriever protecting a farm in rural Newfoundland

I have an exciting new role – keeping my first cousins away from our chicken coop at The Doctor’s House. I sent word out to all the foxes (and would-be-foxes): “don’t FOWL with me.” We were told that our birds last year fell prey to foxes, weasels, hawks and eagles. Not on Murphy’s watch!

I have a keen eye and great sense of smell to help me in my duties. These eggs are for the kids that come to stay at The Doctor’s House – not for scoundrels who purport to call themselves four leggeds.

Jerry was so pleased when he went to get these eggs. He told me it was the first time he had done it. See that smile on his face – just like the kids will have on theirs when the fetch their own breakfast.



We had a great hike last weekend. We went to Hopeall Falls and Backside Pond (not too far from the cottages). Murphy was bounding! He is quite amazing – spell the word “W.A.L.K.” or “H.I.K.E.” or “R.I.D.E.” and he springs into action, bouncing around on all fours like Tigger. And in the woods he is rambunctious – the complete opposite of his house life.

We were on a moose trail, and after seeing moose prints, Murphy got so excited. We ran into a moose awhile ago and he must have remembered how much fun he had chasing it away!

Then we lit a fire, boiled the kettle and put on the bacon and beans. It was simple and awesome (kind of like life in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!).


Tuesdays with Murphy: Sleeping with the Enemy

I have no idea why, but Joe Friday somehow grew wings and is flying to Halifax for a vacation. Who needs a vacation from paradise??? Anyway, while he’s gone, his little devon rex cat, Molly, will be our houseguest.

I was a little nervous about seeing Miss Molly – I met her when I first came to Ocean Delight, and she didn’t seem to like me much. I guess to something her size I seem big and scary – when Jerry and The Berry brought her home she snarled, growled, and hissed like a demon fresh out of hell. Thankfully, to know me is to love me, and my nonchalant demeanor won her over – as you can see, we’ve even taken a few close naps together. I’m a lover, not a fighter!

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

And speaking of another beautiful friendship, I love Jerry and I love his blog. If you do, too, this week is your last chance to vote for him for a TopBlog award. It’s easy to vote, no registration necessary – simply head over to this link and find his category on the bottom left, called Best Professional or Business Life Blog. I’d vote, but I think it’s only open to human citizens!