Jennifer Dawe Photography Does Shag Rock!

shag rock and bride and groomWow. I share photos of Shag Rock here on the blog all the time (especially on Sundays), and I’ve never come close to getting a shot as perfect as these. You might remember Alicia and Jonathan, who recently got married at The Doctor’s House. As part of their gorgeous photo shoot, the always fab Jennifer Dawe Photography brought them here. These are truly some of the best wedding photos I’ve ever seen. So congrats again to Alice and Jonathan, and congrats to Jennifer Dawe Photography! See more of their pictures of this wedding here. And happy Sunday!

more of a couple on Shag Rock

Budding Saturday

newfoundland boatA little boating action for your Saturday morning! This beauty, the Morning Mist, was captured a few years ago by Bud Vincent on the Discovery Trail. Bud, of course, is a good friend, a good ambassador for Newfoundland and Labrador tourism, and an amazing photographer. I often share his photos here – and today is no exception!

If a Blogger Blogs in a Forest ….

Taking photos in NewfoundlandBear with me, because today’s post is getting meta. My middle daughter, Emily, has been in town, and a few days ago we took advantage of some beautiful weather and some beautiful walking trails in St. John’s. I showed her this beautiful spot – one of my favourite – where there’s a great view of the confederation building. I whipped out my cell phone to get a picture – and apparently she did as well.

So, here’s a blogger in action. Thankfully, no matter where you are in Newfoundland, you’re bound to find lots of photo opportunities – it’s pretty easy to maintain a blog here (I’ve written one daily for I believe 3 years now!). Here’s hoping you’re able to explore the island this summer, and find lots of photo ops for yourself!

Budding Saturday: Literally!

Flowers captured by Newfoundland photograherHere’s another stunner captured by our good friend, Bud Vincent, of Hollingside Images. Sometimes on Saturdays I like to share Newfoundland photography on the blog, and there’s nothing finer than Bud’s work. Make sure to follow him on Facebook – he doesn’t share photos all too often, but when he does – look out!

Budding Saturday: Fenced In

Newfoundland photographyAnother beautiful winter scene captured by Newfoundland photographer and friend, Bud Vincent. Bud has a new Facebook page – make sure you follow to get regular doses of Newfoundland exceptionalism! Be safe in the snow today (yes, we follow the weather reports, even on holiday!), and have a great weekend.

Sunset Sunday from Bud!

Newfoundland photographyJust because we’re on our way to Mexico, doesn’t mean our thoughts don’t constantly turn to Newfoundland! Here’s a gorgeous near sunset-scene, captured by our good friend and amazing photographer Bud Vincent. Here’s a cheers to the setting sun, wherever you may be this Sunday!

We Bring the Wood!

Newfoudland winter sceneIn full disclosure, this gorgeous photo wasn’t taken at the cottages! But if you do join us this winter, rest assured that you won’t be chopping your own wood! We have two great specials on all winter long, and they both include firewood and all you need for a cozy weekend getaway. Wasn’t that New Year’s resolution about taking better care of your self and your family …. ?

Thanks to our good friend Bud Vincent, for capturing this beautiful scene, and sharing the photo with us.

Bud Returns!

Newfoundland PhotographyWe love Newfoundland around here, of course, and any photographer that can showcase it well. And we’ve found very few that can do it the justice like Bud (Ed) Vincent. We’ve showcased dozens of his photos here on the blog, but none for awhile. So we’re happy today to share this one, taken a few years ago, in Shoal Harbour (in Clarenville). Like Bud says, you don’t see many boats like these around these days, but it’s always a treat when you do – whether in real life, or captured digitally!