Budding Saturday: Christmas Time’s A-Coming in Newfoundland

Winter in NewfoundlandThis beautiful shot from Bud Vincent reminds us that winter is here in Newfoundland, and Christmas is just a few weeks away – hard to believe. As always, Bud can make even a cold day look inviting. Remember that all his images are for sale, should you be interested.

Also remember that we’ve got fine dining lined up for tonight at The Doctor’s House – a choice between Mustard and Panko Coated Baked Tilapia or Braised Lamb Shanks with Newfoundland Berry Wine (you’re going to make me choose???). Reservations are required – for more info, please see here.

Sunset Sunday: Thanks Again, Bud

Newfoundland photographyThis blog really wouldn’t be what it is without our friend Bud Vincent sharing so many of his pictures with us. He’s an amazing photographer, and his work showcases the beauty and brilliance of this province in a way I never could. I love sunsets – they’re my muse – and I love sharing pictures of them. But never have I seen one captured so brilliantly as above. So here’s a question: anyone know where this image was taken?

Budding Saturday: Beyond the Overpass

Harcourt NewfoundlandAnother beauty from brilliant Newfoundland photographer, Bud Vincent, this time of Harcourt, on Smith Sound. Bud likes to document all the charms of this island ‘outside the overpass’ – meaning, outside St. John’s. Since moving to the Wonderful World of Whiteway, we’ve definitely learned (again) how much this province has to offer. We’re certainly blessed.

This weekend, we’re decorating The Doctor’s House for Christmas – I can’t wait. You can learn more about our offerings there in our Christmas newsletter. And remember, tonight at 7pm, we’ll be offering a brilliant 3 course meal. For more info, or to see the menu, please see here.

Sunset Sunday: After the Storm

After a wind storm in newfoundlandWe’ve all had some wet and wild weather in this province lately. When this peaceful evening is the end result, it all seems worth it. Here at Ocean Delight, I’m continually reminded how lucky Laurelyn and I are to be here. It’s hard work, but it’s worth it.

Budding Saturday: Enjoy the Kyle

Steam Ship Kyle, in Newfoundland

On Saturday’s we like to showcase beautiful images captured by true Newfoundland artists. Thankfully, we’ve met a couple since we moved out here! One is Leonard Howlett, who makes stunning carvings we feature in the Shag It. Lucky for us, he also takes stunning photos, and often shares them with us. This is the SS Kyle, a Baccalieu institution in Harbour Grace. Thanks again to Leonard for sharing.

(And don’t forget – it’s not too late to make a reservation for dinner at The Doctor’s House tonight. We’ve got a fabulous meal planned – see it and learn more here). boat in Newfoundland

Budding Saturday: It’s Coming

Woodstock pile in NewfoundlandI’m continually grateful to Bud Vincent for allowing me to share his stunning Newfoundland photography on Saturdays – it’s a great way to showcase Newfoundland art AND the beauty of this province. I like this piece because it reminds me that winter is coming – with all the good, like Christmas, and bad, like chopping wood! Happy Saturday, all, and remember that if you’d like to eat out tonight, we’ve got a pretty delicious meal planned at The Doctor’s House – simply call 582.2754 to make a reservation, and you can see the menu here.

Today we’re helping celebrate the grand opening of The Ivory Suite, a new and gorgeous resource for brides in town, full of beautiful, handpicked designer gowns. If you have time, stop by and join us, as there’s some great giveaways – more details here.

Budding Saturday: SS Kyle

SS Kyle in NewfoundlandNormally on Saturday’s I feature photography (artwork, really) from Bud Vincent, a great Newfoundland photographer. But we mix it up here and there when other beautiful shots come our way. This week I’m happy to share a shot from Leonard Howlett, an artist whose work we feature in the Shag It. If you follow the blog, you know he has a good eye for photos, too – and thus this week’s image of the SS Kyle, a regional landmark.

I should also report, in case you didn’t see it on Facebook, that we’re closing the Shag It for the rest of the fall/winter season, EXCEPT for private functions and group reservations booked in advance. With seating for up to 40, wifi and lots of other great features, we hope you’ll consider us for your next event or family get together!

Budding Saturday: Beauty Everywhere

Newfoundland photographySaturday’s I get to show off the beauty of Newfoundland, usually using the phenomenal work of phenomenal Newfoundland photographer Bud Vincent. I love the way Bud captures the beauty of scenes we often overlook or dismiss. I guess that’s what makes him so phenomenal!

Budding Saturday: More Keels

Keels, NewfoundlandThere’s no shortage of beautiful small communities in Newfoundland – we’re a day-tripper’s paradise, I always say. Thankfully, Newfoundland photographer Bud Vincent is a friend and lets me use his beautiful pictures to help showcase. Last week we featured Keels, a small community in Bonavista Bay – and I found Bud’s shots so beautiful I had to share more. Enjoy!Small community in NewfoundlandAnd psst, if you don’t have weekend plans, remember that we have Pea Soup on today, and Turkey Dinner and Turkey Pie at the Shag It tomorrow – details here!