Welcome, Ginger!

New horse at Ocean DelightWednesday was a very special for us and for Laurelyn in particular. That’s because it’s the day we welcomed Ginger the Belgian to our little farm family – and we got to meet some fine people at the same time.

Ginger comes to us from the White family, who very tragically lost their husband and father, Dave, last fall. It was a terrible loss for the family and the community. Ginger had been Dave’s horse of choice, and they needed a new home for a her.

So in these pictures, you see Gloria, her daughter Kathleen, our friend and neighbour, Clifford George, and two great Newfoundland horsemen, Art and Fred Coles.  They all pitched in to make Gloria’s move as pain free as possible

It took a little coaxing by Kathleen, Clifford and Art, but we eventually got Ginger into the trailer.  And then it took nothing to get her out at The Doctor’s House.  She was welcomed immediately by her new family, as they took to each other and then to the fields. She looks a bit the giant among our Newfoundland ponies, but she’s a gentle one, and none of them seem to notice or care anyway.

 Ginger is a pure Belgian and won ‘Most Obedient’ horse in Newfoundland and Labrador two years in a row. When she’s not enjoying our pastures overlooking the ocean and enjoying the company of the 4 ponies, we expect she’ll also be great help in our weddings, pulling our beautiful carriage.  Laurelyn is also hoping to be able to make enough time to ride her on a regular basis (hence, the big smiles from The Berry!).

So, we’re very excited to welcome Ginger to the fold! But we know she will always be Dave’s horse, and Gloria and her family will always be welcome anytime at The Doctor’s House, to come visit, groom, play, ride and whatever else. In our eyes, we consider Ginger a loan, and one we’re very grateful for and intend to treasure. And isn’t that really the way it is – we are all only loaned to this earth for a very short time, and must treasure every blessing we have. getting a new horse in newfoundland

Misty Visits

What a treat it has been to have Misty, our good friend, Clifford’s Clydesdale, stay with us of late. Clifford is trying to breed his pony Annie with a beautiful black stallion – and while they need some privacy, Misty stays with us.

Seeing Misty with the rest of our ponies is a fantastic sight.  They all instantly bonded, and now they run and play, with the ponies chasing Misty around like babies to their mother.  Misty is one graceful, intelligent, gentle creature.  She personifies dignity. Much like Clifford himself. Don’t forget to pay a visit if you’re staying at The Doctor’s House this week.

Our Little Ponies

Newfoundland PoniesRecently, our good friend Shirley George visited us at The Doctor’s House and took lots of stunning photos – you can see some more of them here. Of course, our favourite shots were of the Newfoundland ponies (enjoying their new fence, we might add). They’re our favourites probably for the same reason that, despite all the riches and beauty of this place, almost everyone seems to love the ponies best. They’re so gentle and friendly, love people, and of course are just beauties, too. We have to ask – have you pet a Newfoundland pony today?

To see more photos of the ponies in actin, check out this album on our Facebook page!

Bridie and The Berry

Newfoundland pony at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaEveryone leads busy lives these days. We certainly do, as we navigate a new industry, and we know all our friends and colleagues work hard, too. Add in all our devices and on-the-go culture, and it’s hard to unplug! That’s why we love our animals, big and small. They force you to slow down, without your screens and cell phones, and live in the moment while you care for them. Here’s The Berry and Bridie, our Newfoundland pony, going through their evening ritual. It’s truly a blessing!

Last Sleigh Ride of the Season

Sleigh Ride in rural NewfoundlandThere are few things in the world more delightful than Clifford out with his Newfoundland Pony, Annie. His wife Shirley sent us these shots from last week, from what they believe will be the last sleigh ride of the season. She reports that the paths have broken down in the woods, and the sun is gaining its power, so it’s time to put the wintertime fun away. But we’re sure these rides were a bright spot in an otherwise dark season! Sleighride with Newfoundland ponySleighride with Newfoundland PonySleighride with Newfoundland poniesThanks for Clifford and Shirley for sharing this fun event. And if you’d like to see this sleigh-ride live, then check our this video!

Good Neighbours

Our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Since beginning our tourism journey with Ocean Delight Cottages a few years ago, we haven’t been able to stop raving about what we’ve dubbed the Wonderful World of Whiteway, not just for its physical beauty, but more for the warm, giving, funny and talented people we’ve met here. Now, The Doctor’s House is only a five minute drive from the cottages, but it’s in neighbouring town of Green’s Harbour. Since our new neighbours are equally fabulous, we’re going to come up with a new name … I’m not sure if ‘Great Green’s Harbour’ has the same ring?

Regardless, these gorgeous photos come to us from neighbour Paul Seymour, who reached out to us on our Facebook page to see if we’d want these beautiful shots. To which, of course, our answer was, yes! We know The Doctor’s House provides lots of photo ops, and we love when guests – and friends and neighbours! – share their beautiful pictures. Newfoundland pony at our animal sanctuaryWelcome to The Doctor's House, our Newfoundland inn and spa

Running with the Herd at The Doctor’s House

Horses at The Doctor's house Inn and Spa, luxury in Newfoundland

We are surrounded by wonder and beauty at The Doctor’s House and the Wonderful World of Whiteway. Between Murphy, the ponies, the chickens, the flowers, the trees, the ocean, the trails, Shag Rock, Long Point Cove …. I don’t know which is more beautiful. It’s an embarrassment of riches, and this you can be sure of – we don’t take any of it for granted. Here’s The Berry tending to the horses – truly a labor of love!

Thankfully, my daughter is in town to share it, and we get to celebrate her birthday today – Happy Birthday, Kathryn!

Misty Won’t Go Hungry

Shovelling Hay in Rural Newfoundland

Here is Clifford cutting hay with a scythe on the side of the road in Green’s Harbour for Misty, his pony. This was a common sight back when I rambled the hillsides of Torbay.

Now it is a rare thing indeed, kept alive by very few – those with romantic ways who love the past.


Tuesdays with Murphy: More Monty

Happy New Year, friends! I hope everyone had a safe and fun time last night and has enough coffee to get them through today! Jerry and The Berry are excited because in a little while they’ll be holding the draw for everyone who entered our New Years Giveaway – the winner will get a free stay at the cottages! I wonder who I’ll get to play with!

So you may be wondering who this sweet guy pictured is – he’s my new best friend, another four legged! With all the commotion over the holidays, you may have missed the newest addition to our Ocean Delight family – Monty! One thing’s for sure – we love him already (but being the first child of ODC, I’m not worried about losing my place!). Thanks to Tammy Webber for the beautiful picture of our beautiful pony. And expect to see lots of him in the future!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Fields of Barley

What is not to love about life in the Wonderful World of Whiteway – I moved in with Jerry and The Berry months ago and they’re still finding new places for me to explore. Here I am in Hopeall where Newfoundland ponies normally roam at the Horse and Pony Protection Association of Newfoundland and Labrador. Unfortunately for me, all the horses are out to pasture for the summer. Too bad! I wanted someone new to play with – and I’m almost as big as them, so I thought they might take me as a fellow four-legged.

But I always look on the bright side of life and even though I was alone it was great fun to bound through the fields and smell the barley, flowers and scents of my cousins who run wild in these parts. Jerry promised to take me some new places in Hopeall this week, so, I’ll take him at his word, if you’ll take me at mine that I’ll share my adventures with you when he does. Paws crossed!
