More Renos

Rennovations at our Newfoundland Resort Inn and SpaWe never would have guessed how much could go on ‘behind-the-scenes’ at a resort like The Doctor’s House until we were running one ourselves! We’ve already blogged about our renovations to the ‘Big Barn,’ building a fun and big new space for the upcoming wedding season. Less obviously, since we’re still managing to ‘wow’ with our hot breakfasts and gourmet weekend meals, we’ve also been re-doing our kitchen, too. The original was functional but not big enough, so a re-vamp was necessary, and our modifications are coming along nicely. We have some fun things planned for our restaurant this summer, so please stay tuned!


There was lots of work waiting for us after our return to the cottages yesterday. In the next few days we have to move furniture, (see truck above, those pieces in the back feel permanent), get the satellites fixed,  finish some painting, decorate, and, most exciting of all, welcome guests. It’s been a labour of love, but certainly lots of the labour part!

We were told that in the dead of winter there was no point in being open, but we’ve been lucky to get a lot of positive response from the community. Because really, winter is the perfect time to have a getaway – it’s when you need one most, and we’re accessible (with fireplaces!). So we’ve used this season to learn the business, which is great, and we’ve had some bookings, which is even greater.

With all the work planned this weekend it doesn’t quite feel like TGIF, but at the end of the day when I can enjoy this view from my window, it’s TGI-WWW, the Wonderful World of Whiteway.