On the Rocks!

Rocks on the beach in NewfoundlandThere is beauty all around us and it is free.  I took this picture in front of the house.  I was watching a beautiful sunset and looked down at my feet.  Wow – simple beauty in simple things.

Keep it simple is a good philosophy – “the main thing to remember is that the main thing is the main thing.” We had a great weekend at the Shag It, we’re excited about our new weddings planned at The Doctor’s House, and now that things are a little slower, we can catch a breath and figure out how best to use our time in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. How sweet is that!

Sunset Sunday: Earning Your View

Sometimes you earn your view. Not that we’re not blessed with the sunsets we get to see most nights out our back window. But we captured this one on a hike last weekend. So I guess we’re doubly blessed – beauty in our backyard, more beauty surrounding us when we make a little effort and go out and enjoy nature. Happy Sunday, everyone. Only one month left til Christmas!