Put Another Log on the Fire

Unfortunately I only took my cell phone with me yesterday when The Berry and I hiked the trails of of Whiteway (make that WWW – Whiteway Winter Wonderland). The picture above really captures how stunning the area gets in the winter; the picture below, why I should take my camera with me more often!

Anyway, yes, yesterday was the first snow of the year and it was floating down in big puffy flakes – the kind that you can catch on your tongue. The perfect weather for a romantic walk.

It was a refreshing promise of the winter to come, and gave us inspiration to help us plan our “Stay In and Stay Warm” winter packages. We’re working on making sure enjoying our cottages in the winter is as cozy as possible – please let us know if you have any suggestions!

Really, there is not much nicer than coming in to a warm cottage with pleasant music, a fire going and red wine on a winter’s day.

Add a Little Romance

Maybe it’s because I had to spend last night alone as The Berry had a girls’ night at Heart’s Delight with some of her friends from town, but I’m in the mood to talk about romance. And maybe do a little promotion, too – hey, I am running a business here after all! We’ve had several guests now take advantage of our One Great Getaway special, and it’s so great when they do. I know I’m just at an old romantic at heart – I think I get more pleasure out of setting up their wine and cheese baskets than they do!

There’s only a few weeks left, so don’t miss out if you’re interested in a weekend filled with extra goodies. What I’m learning from being so busy in our first year running this business is that it’s so important to put your relationship first, and little things make a big difference. Plus, what could be more fun than watching the sunset in these baby blues with your loved one?

And finally (are you sick of it yet??), please consider voting me for the TopBlog awards if you enjoy reading my blog (click here, then find my category – Best Professional or Business Life Blog – on the bottom left, no log-in necessary). I write this mainly for pleasure, but what can I say – the positive feedback is nice!

The Great Kidnapping

Talk about your romantic getaway! This past weekend Ocean Delight was the scene of a kidnaping, but I don’t think the ‘victim’ was too concerned: Susan brought her husband, but didn’t tell him where they were going until they got here! And the surprise kicker for us is that Alan is an old, long lost friend, going back 20 years. So they got to enjoy a weekend away, and we got to enjoy catching up and making up for lost time. Win win! And check out our current promotion which helps you plan the perfect romantic getaway, too.

They also brought their dog, Annie, who (if you remember yesterday’s blog) made quite an impression on Murphy!

Oh! The Sunsets

I’ve already blogged about how my ‘church’ is Nature, specifically watching the sun set, specifically watching the sun set over the ocean. I think it’s the same for The Berry. I got this beautiful shot of her looking out at the sunset in wonder, awe and reflection. I thought it perfectly captured the moment – full of natural beauty (she gets that from her mother), strength and determination (which I hope I share with her). She puts me in mind of Mary from Random Passage (and, if you haven’t seen this movie, you must if you want to know who we Newfoundlanders are as a people).

We are grateful for all that the summer has brought and the lessons learned (we’re now rated number one in hotels in the province on TripAdvisor), but it’s been a lot of hard work. Hard work, and fun, too. We’re a little older, a lot wiser, and looking forward to things slowing down a bit so we can begin planning for our future. And continue enjoying our view every evening.

Honeymooners’ Delight

You may remember Shauna and Geoff, a young couple from Kingston, who were our first guests to be screeched in by Joe Friday. They also have another distinction – our first honeymooners! Here they are happily displaying a Clifford George original – given at a discount for the occasion – in front of their cabin. They loved their stay – thanks in part to donated bikes from Whiteway’s own Lisa Day, and tea and a boat tour from Clifford and Shirley. Fresh fish helped, too!

If you watch our Youtube video, Geoff says he thinks “Ocean Delight chose us.”  That’s exactly how we felt when The Berry and I decided to buy these cottages. We’re thrilled that Geoff and Shauna enjoyed our place as much as we do (and wish them all the best!), and we hope we’ll have lots more happy, honeymooning couples to share it with in the future.

Happy Anniversaries

Laurelyn and I fell in love with our cottages over a romantic weekend, so we know how special this place can be to couples looking to get away. So we’re thrilled when other couples get to experience what we did, and we’ve had lots of couples celebrating anniversaries. Here’s Katie and Sean Kelly from Burlington, celebrating their first. Beyond the fresh fish all our guests are getting upon arrival now that we’re in the middle of the recreational fishery, we also had a bottle of Joe Friday’s wine waiting for them. And of course, they got a trip out to the bay! They ended the night with a fire and a sunset. Sounds like a good anniversary if ever there were one!

Happy 25th!

This happy couple are wonderful guests Tony and Valda from Marysvale, whom we were happy to welcome to our Osprey cottage for their 25th anniversary. What a great couple they are – and what a milestone! We sent over flowers and cards and, of course, took them out for a spin on the A Wake at Last.

We almost didn’t make it out. I’m going to start sounding like a broken record here (or, maybe I’ll just sound like I have a broken boat!), but this time around we needed to replace two props and – you guessed it – it was neighbour and friend Alf yet again who helped get us operational. And operational she was – taking us out to Shag Rock at 60 km/hour!

Happy Anniversary again to Tony and Valda – we’re honoured to have been part of your celebrations!