Green Sunday

garden at our Newfoundland innNo, but it’s not green! One of our favourite aspects of The Doctor’s House, and one that our guests all seem to love, too, are our lush gardens. It’s not hard on a Sunday like this to stop and smell the roses, when you’ve got hundreds of flowers to choose from! We hope you’re having a great weekend, and please stay tuned – Shirley George took the beautiful picture you see above, and we’ll be sharing more, soon.

Some Roses for You

Rose Trees in Newfoundlnad

Here are some of the 40 large Newfoundland rose bushes we’re collecting from neighbours who wanted nothing for them other than to see them grow where they would be appreciated – so we moved them to the cottages. They really help with our ongoing landscaping efforts. Greed does not thrive around the bay. These roses were given freely, and we are so grateful. No doubt, life around the bay in Newfoundland is just a little bit different. We have found, “it is one for all and all for one all.” That’s why we love it here.

Smell the Rose

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Here’s me trying out my new skills on a rose I gave The Berry (what, me, a die-hard romatic?). I think it looks pretty good!

And who says you can’t work and play hard? That’s what we’ve been trying to do at least. Learning the ropes, getting everything operational, commandeering the A Wake at Last, dealing with the busy summer season – we knew it would be a lot of work, but maybe not as much work as it’s been. So there’s only one way to deal with craziness around you, and that’s by carving out time for yourself. That’s why every day The Berry and I make sure we have a little ‘us’ time, even if it’s just taking a moment to smell the (sometimes literal) roses. And that’s why despite the workload, I still find time to enjoy the hammock my daughter gave me for Father’s Day. Today’s Saturday, so I hope your weekend, even if eventful, has a few quiet minutes for you to recharge your batteries!