Blooming Sunday

Flowers at our newfoundland resort inn and spaSunday’s the perfect day to stop and smell the roses, or any of the brightly coloured flowers here at The Doctor’s House! Since we’re in full bloom, we invited our good friend (and good photographer), Shirley George, to come take some photos. The results are stunning – you can see all her beautiful photos here. We hope you’re having a fabulous weekend, and please, take some time to smell whatever flowers you happen to have near!

Stop and Smell the Roses ….

…. at The Doctor’s House!Roses at our Newfoundland inn and spa

Here’s a bit of a departure from my regular Sunset Sunday posts – because like many of us I find inspiration from Nature wherever I find it. That’s often in sunsets, but just as often in beautiful gardens and flowers. So The Doctor’s House in a dream come true for me. The scents, aromas, vibrancy … it’s just amazing. So I hope on this long weekend you get a moment to stop and smell the roses, too. And don’t forget to check out our weekly spa specials, too.

Some Roses for You

Rose Trees in Newfoundlnad

Here are some of the 40 large Newfoundland rose bushes we’re collecting from neighbours who wanted nothing for them other than to see them grow where they would be appreciated – so we moved them to the cottages. They really help with our ongoing landscaping efforts. Greed does not thrive around the bay. These roses were given freely, and we are so grateful. No doubt, life around the bay in Newfoundland is just a little bit different. We have found, “it is one for all and all for one all.” That’s why we love it here.

Spring of the Year?????

I went out to the garden this weekend and there it was – a rose in full bloom in November! Then I went to the front deck and there he was – a blue jay in full bloom in November! WOW in WWW – again! The wonders of this place never end.

We’ve learned that when they were trying to find out where they were going to put the golf course in Trinity Bay, they studied the weather patterns for the last 50 years for ten towns in the area. Turns out that Whiteway won, hands down. It has a unique micro-climate with the best weather in the bay. Proof that I’m not just blowing smoke when I say that it truly is special out here! And I’ll take roses and blue jays in November any day!