Moon Beams

Moon Beams over Shag Rock in Whiteway NewfoundlandSo many scenes of the sun rising, falling or shining over Shag Rock, and not enough of the beautiful moon. I was working late last night, and looked up with bloodshot eyes to see this rare sight – the moon hanging over Shag Rock and beaming right onto our deck. A sight for sore eyes!

Whiteway Reflections

I hope everyone is enjoying Whiteway Days – and if you’d like to know what’s coming up this weekend, find out here. Here’s two of my favourite things about this community – Clifford George, and Shag Rock!

And yes, this painting is a Clifford George original. He painted it, picked out the best spot in our place for it, and even helped hang it. Now, if I sit at the table and glance just to the right, it’s Cliff’s painting. If I glance to the left, there’s the real Shag Rock. I can’t lose! And I know I’ll especially love it this winter, when it starts to get dark early and I can’t see my muse at night anymore!

Shag in the Mist


Shag Rock is a a constant of life in the Wonderful World of Whiteway – constantly there, constantly beautiful and mysterious, and constantly changing. Yesterday a mass of fog swarmed it in a matter of minutes. It looks different every time I see it (even when I can’t). I love to sit by the beach now and watch the sunset to the music of the waves, my rocky muse standing guard. Even when you need a sweater, it’s stunning and life-affirming – a true gift.

Shag Rocked

I wish I was a poet so I could describe the full beauty of Shag Rock. Yesterday evening, as I sat on my deck with Iceberg beer in hand, the sun warming my face, and waves signing along the shore, I floated along with the wind and was open to every sensation, all 5 senses (and maybe more) engaged. I was in a different time and place. A sense of total satisfaction surged through me – I was complete for an instant – what an awesome feeling!

Shag Rock was beautiful again this morning with its ever-presence taking a place in my morning ritual. It is becoming my muse, my meditation, my motivation. It is forever constant and constantly changing. And it is predictably unpredictable – sounds a lot like me and the people around here.

Today, The Berry heads to Ontario to spend some much needed quality time with her parents. Next week we’re both heading out to visit my lovely daughters, who live in lovely British Columbia. I can’t wait of course. I think I’m going to try to keep blogging while there – I’ve gotten into a groove writing these things daily and don’t want to give it up. Please let me know if you’d like to see some pictures of our travels around Victoria, or if you think I should keep this blog Newfoundland-centric!

Discovering Shag Rock

Alf Harnum, our wonderful neighbour, dropped by yesterday to see if we wanted to go to local landmark, Shag Rock, about 1.5KM out in the water. We jumped (in the boat) at the chance and headed out Whiteway Bay. It was a beautiful day on the water and we got a chance at up close and personal with the anomaly.

And just in case you have a dirty mind, we found out they call it ‘Shag’ Rock because it’s full of cormorants – big, black and sleek diving birds. They make it their home. And locally cormorants are known as ‘shags.’ So get your mind out of the gutter!

Yip, our maiden voyage in Whiteway Bay, and I was like a kid again (except when I was a kid we didn’t have an experienced captain or life jackets in the boat!). What a perfect day for a ride – thanks, Alf!P.S. Cannot wait to get our own boat out in the water – I just finished the qualification course online. My grades: 90%, 100%, 100%, 90%, 90%. (what, me brag?)

And one last video:[wpvideo ijLKrXUb]