Pick a Goat, Any Goat

goats at our newfoundland wedding retreatWell clearly there’s no denying it. We’re animal lovers, and we like to ‘go big or go home.’ When we became owners of The Doctor’s House, The Berry and I inherited two lovely Newfoundland ponies. And that was it as far as barnyard animals went.

And today? Wellllll … let’s just say we have a few more running around. And we love it. It wasn’t our goal to keep growing the herd, but when we hear about local animals who need new homes, how can we say no? We are an animal sanctuary, after all.

So new baby goats Jack and Jill and their momma Mel are getting along with goats Bonnie and Rosie, and Nan and her little lamb are getting along with Eweness, the sheep we brought home last year. All in all, it makes for a happy little family, that our guests love visiting (as do we, of course!). And don’t get us started on the 4 Newfoundland ponies …

Expecting, Eweness?

Sheep on our Newfoudland farmHere’s sweet Eweness, one our favourite four-leggeds at The Doctor’s House (who are we kidding – they’re all our favourites!). We rescued her about a year ago, and at the time we thought she was pregnant.

Well she wasn’t pregnant then …. but she might be now! Perry Oliver, our animal whisperer extraordinaire, says there’s a 90%+ chance we’ll be hearing the pitter patter of little hooves soon.  He said he will know for sure in about two or three weeks when her milk comes through, and he’s expecting a May baby. Or should be was babies – Perry thinks it might be twins!

So stay tuned to the blog – especially since we’ll be looking for help naming the new lambs! With (potential) babies on the way, and even more flowers expected this year given the amount of bulbs we planted last Fall, we’re expecting a very Spring-y Spring this year!


Our animals at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaHere’s Beauty, Eweness and Rosie spending their afternoon like we’re hoping you’re spending your Sunday afternoon – maxing and relaxing! There’s lots going on around here like always, and our menagerie is growing (stay tuned, we’ll share some photos soon of our new four-leggeds), so sometimes these ladies just need their quiet time! We’re working on our Goat Park, so that all our sweet creatures have lots of room on easy street. What a life!

Welcome Eweness

Sheep at our Newfoundland resort and innThis weekend was a special one for our Ocean Delight/The Doctor’s House family – we are now one sheep bigger. Thanks to The Berry who found her, we welcomed Eweness, our first sheep ever, to the menagerie.

Eweness is sweet and pretty, and may be pregnant – so we might have more sheep soon!    She comes to us from Denise Critch, who rescued her from the meat-truck last Monday. Denise already has a barn-full of animals, and since we have extra room we were more than happy to take this little sheep.

Bringing a sheep to our Newfoundland inn and spa

We picked Eweness up on Saturday, and she was nervous and skittish, as you’d expect.  We were actually a little anxious about how introducing her to Mrs. Roosevelt the Goat.  Eweness had been scorned by the goats at her previous home, so we wanted it all to go smoothly.  We prepared a special place in the barn so we could introduce her to Rosie gradually.

Turns out we had nothing to worry about. When Perry put her in the pen with Rosie, they acted like reunited sisters. We had felt that Rosie needed a buddy for a while – that became clear when we saw them together. Eweness started to think she was a goat and tried jumping all over like Rosies does.  Rosie thought she was a sheep and kissed her several times.

The ponies also seemed to welcome Eweness. When Denise and Jasmine, her previous owners, came to check on her, they were delighted to see how quickly she was accepted by her peers and how truly happy she seems to be here.

Apparently, we need to leave her inside for a couple of days so that it sinks in that this is her new home.  Once she adjusts to the new smells and animals,  she’ll be attached to her new family. We’re learning lots. Two years we had no animals. Now we have a whole menagerie – 4 ponies, a goat, geese, chickens, ducks, two golden retrievers, a Devon Rex and now, happily, a new lamb! And we’re happy that she’s here in time to help us celebrate Valentine’s!Our new sheep in rural Newfoundland

If you’re like to see more photos of Eweness, you’ll find them on our Facebook page. And if you’d like to hear more about our Valentine’s special, please do so here.