Santa’s Coming to … the Cupids Legacy Centre!

Auction in Newfoundland

Anyone else thinking about Christmas shopping? If so, here’s an idea that’s fun AND supports the Cupids Legacy Centre, a great spot on the Baccalieu Trail which we love. They’re currently running a Christmas fundraiser, selling tickets to win the beautiful Gerald Squires painting you see above. Find more details here, and you can purchase your tickets at the Centre or from a staff member (and their email address is And let me know if you buy any tickets – good luck!

Fun Event for Brides this Weekend!

Our wedding booth for our Newfoundland inn and spaIf you follow us on the blog or on Facebook, then you know that we’re excited to be offering The Doctor’s House as a premier (and Newfoundland’s newest, I might add) wedding destination, starting Summer 2014. So it’s been fun getting involved in this new section of the industry, by, for example, attending the Devotion Wedding Show in St. John’s a few weeks ago.

That’s why we’re thrilled to be participating in the upcoming grand opening for The Ivory Suite in Paradise tomorrow, November 9. The Ivory Suite is a new bridal store with a wide selection of hand-picked, timeless, beautiful and current bridal gowns and a shopping experience to match. It’s like a bridal retreat, and it’s stunning (not that I know much about wedding gowns, but The Berry is impressed!).

So tomorrow, we’re happy to be helping with the grand opening, as we welcome this great, new store to the area – it’s going to be a great resource for brides, no doubt. Stop by the store tomorrow to enjoy light refreshments, a chat with yours truly, and some great giveaways, including gifts from Newfoundland Chocolate and the Head Room. And not to give away any secrets, but The Doctor’s House is providing the grand prize!

The Ivory Suite is open tomorrow from 11-6. I hope you’ll stop by and enter your name in the draw. And please spread the word to any happy brides you might know!

Bayman’s Flea Market

The Berry got a lot of credit (and rightfully so) for being a good sport and sleeping out under the stars this past weekend. But this is my blog, so I’m making sure I get my due recognition for being the The Berry’s shopping partner (or, more often, go-between for sales on Kijiji!). This woman knows how to find a bargain, and she’s used this skill to really spruce up our new cottages, making them all over in her unique taste and our personal ‘style.’ They really feel like ‘ours’ now, and are almost all ready for the summer season.

We’ve been pleasantly surprised with the amount of shopping there is here on the Baccalieu. One more reason we’re so happy with this life-change.

This past weekend we hit up something great that I didn’t even know existed before moving to Whiteway – the Bayman’s Flea Market. It’s a great place to look for odds and ends – we got frying pans and a barbque set. The Berry was in her glory, roaming the stands.  She loves old stuff, which works out for me (I keep getting better and better!).

We bought a beautiful, old (maybe 100 years or more) five drawer dresser made of solid oak that we spent all day yesterday lovingly restoring for the Partridgeberry Cottage. It’s the perfect match for the 125 year old door we converted into a headboard.