Snow for Christmas?

Snow in NewfoundlandSo it’s quite the warm winter we’ve been having so far. We’ve had some snow here and there, but nothing like we often do. We’re keeping our fingers crossed it stays nice and mild, but what’s your verdict – are you dreaming of a white Christmas, or a green one?

Although as much as we hate shovelling, we have to admit – the scenes Hollingside Images have shared with us for our 12 Days of Christmas, including this one, sure are gorgeous.

First Snow at The Doctor’s House

First snow at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaGoing back through some recent photos I realized I hadn’t shared this photo, from our first snow of the season at The Doctor’s House. It was taken last weekend, and it’s really gotten us in the Christmas spirit. A little snow and a LOT of The Berry’s magic touch with Christmas decorations is a sight to see. And remember, The Doctor’s House is only open til December 20, so come enjoy it while you can!

A Little Accumulation

Snow fall at our Newfoundland cottagesBack to regular blogging, after several days showcasing all the fun we had at Eat the Hill. Here’s our back deck, showing that a little snow accumulation can be a beautiful thing! A little (or, a lot) of snow turns the Wonderful World of Whiteway into a Winter Wonderland. And if that’s not enough alliteration for your Thursday morning, I don’t know what is!Ocean view in Newfoundland after a snowstorm

Of course, I never liked winter until I moved to the ocean’s edge. We’re truly blessed to have a beautiful, ocean-front home that lets us appreciate every aspect of Newfoundland’s weather! (And remember, it’s easier than ever to have a fun snow-day around the bay, with our Stay In and Stay Warm winter packages).

Gentle Storm

Gentle Snowstorm in NewfoundlandWhen is a storm not a storm? When lots of snow falls, but it comes in vertical – not horizontal like we so often get here. The winds didn’t pick up, making the perfect night for candles, soft music, a delicious meal enjoyed with The Berry. Such a sweet storm!Gentle snowstorm in rural Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: Snowy Walk

Two golden retrievers on a walk in NewfoundlandWith limited power comes limited blogging. Although, without opposable thumbs, I don’t see what the big fuss is about (I just love the extra cuddles!), Jerry’s given me limited time to write my weekly post. How rude! Anyway, here’s me and Friday enjoying a snowy walk, for what it’s worth!

And a hint if your power-less first weekend of the new year was less than fun: we’ve got a special, second-night-for-$99 offer running through March at The Doctor’s House – it could be just what the doctor ordered!

A Light Dusting

Cottages for rent in Newfoundland

I hated winter til moving here to the Wonderful World of Whiteway. A light dusting here by the ocean adds unspeakable charm. Now, maybe after a rough winter or a few snowstorms in I’ll feel differently, but The Berry and I spent this past weekend cozied up in one of our Heart’s Delight cottages, and it was heartwarming and so re-energizing. We went on a hike with the goldens, watched Christmas movies, drank hot chocolate, and didn’t talk about work once. Good for the soul. Now I can’t wait for Christmas!The loon, our cottage for rent in Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: Hiking with Friday

Hiking with Golden Retrievers in NewfoundlandDays like we had this weekend, I like to count my four-legged blessings. Friday and I took Jerry and The Berry on a nice long hike in the freshly fallen snow and beautiful winter sunshine. Then we all relaxed with Christmas music and Christmas movies at our cottages in Long Point Cove. I can see why our BOGO offer is booking up quickly – what a wonderful way to create some special memories with your loved ones during the holiday season.

Thankfully, even since Friday’s been welcomed into the Ocean Delight family, our circle of loved ones continues to grow. It is so much fun to finally have another four-legged as we bound the trails! (And remember, if you’re interested in the BOGO yourself, you only have til tomorrow to make your reservation!).Hiking with golden retrievers in Newfoundland

Budding Saturday: Awaiting Christmas

You may remember that I’m starting a new Saturday tradition of promoting Newfoundland art on this blog. If you’re an artist or know or love one who’d like to be featured, please email us! In the meantime, I’m sharing some pictures captured by one of the best Newfoundland photographers I know – Bud Vincent. I love how he’s able to capture the beauty in all things, big or small, winter or summer. And especially Christmas!

First Real Snowfall

We have been decorating and running around taking photos after the first snow fall. Wow! It sure is gorgeous on a different level. It actually makes me appreciate winter – and that’s a very new appreciate for me! Everything crisp and pristine, everything Snow White. I’m even smiling while I shovel (for now at least!)

And my daughter came home for Christmas yesterday, so things are looking good here at Ocean Delight.