Another Successful Whiteway Spring Hare

Whiteway Spring HareDue to a busy schedule at The Doctor’s House, we were unable to be as involved with the Whiteway Spring Hare this year. But we know it’s an event not to be missed. This yearly artistic community event showcases all the wonderful talent in our little community, and our little island, and it’s always a treat to hear the recitals, poems and stories. Here’s a big thanks to the Spring Hare Committee, comprised of many of our friends, for putting on yet another amazing event!

Whiteway Spring Hare a Success

Whiteway spring hare 2014Jerry was away this weekend and he missed out – the Whiteway Spring Hare and dinner theatre was a resounding success, as always, and as expected! We love how our Wonderful World of Whiteway comes together to provide a cultural and artistic weekend that is world-class and bar none. Thanks to Albert Legge for capturing some great shots and sharing them with us – you can see more on our Facebook page, here.

Whiteway Spring Hare Less Than a Week Away!

Whiteway Spring HareAs you can tell from these in-process masterpieces from Whiteway artists Clifford George and Lisa Day, the Whiteway Spring Hare will soon be upon us! This Friday’s Dinner Theatre is already sold out, but 32 artists are lined up to display their work on Sunday’s afternoon of storytelling and poetry-reading. To learn more, see here, or, if you’d like to volunteer Sunday, send us an email and we’ll put you in touch with the organizers.

Thanks to Lisa for the great shots. Stay tuned as we’ll have more to share – so much to do out here on the Baccalieu!Painting for the whiteway spring hare at our Newfoundland cottage rentals

Whiteway Spring Hare is Coming!

Art Exhibit Info for Newfoundland 2014We love living in the Wonderful World of Whiteway for so many reasons, but mainly for the wonderful friends we’ve made here. And a shocking number of those friends are artists – the artistic talent out here is truly mind-blowing. That’s why we always look forward to the Whiteway Spring Hare, where we get to celebrate all this talent. Here’s some information for artists who would like to have their work featured. Please share with anyone you might be interested, and stay tuned for more info as we get closer to the event!

Spring Hare Fun

Well, Whiteway’s Spring Hare is all said and done, and it was wonderful. The Spring Hare is an annual story-telling, poetry reading and art display event that celebrates local talent and art. This year was a full house, with fantastic art work and entertainment, great food and drink. What a potpourri of talent we have in this province. If you missed this event, don’t worry – Whiteway will have another art show this year as part of the Come Home Year Celebration. We’ll keep you posted!

As promised, here are some shots from the event. The first couple were taken by Albert Legge (and thanks to him – most of ours came out fuzzy – lets blame that on our camera!)

Me with the lovely Lisa Day, President of the Spring Hare Committee – thanks, Lisa!Captive audience. Bonus points if you can find Joe Friday and The Berry!And here’s the famous Albert Legge!The great Dr. Gerald Squires.And the Hare Broom Award goes to Gerry Squires!Art from the lovely Renee Butler-Harnum.And from the equally lovely Clifford George.And here’s Clifford with Jane Prior.And the Hare Broom Award to Tom Dawe, too!

Hard to believe all this was a free event! Can’t wait til next year!


The Spring Hare has sprung. As I mentioned, last night was the kick-off with dinner and entertainment at Brown’s, and all I can say it WOW – Laurelyn and I had such an amazing time. And I had an epiphany – as I sat there, talking to our new friends, listening to some of the best entertainers I have EVER heard, and eating good food, I realized that we belong here. I had that rare and wonderful feeling that this is the right place for me and the right time to be here. This is really a magical place and I feel blessed to now be a part of it.

Above is The Berry with Clifford and Shirley George, and below is Lisa Day, the President of the Spring Hare Committee. (And I’ve got to get a good camera! – all my action shots of last night were too blurry to post).

Today is the main Spring Hare event – stay tuned to the blog to hear all about it!

Neighbourhood Trout

We were lucky the other day to get a call from Alf, another wonderful neighbour out here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, saying he had some trout (count em – 11!) if we wanted them. We love trout, and hadn’t had any in a long time, but you know me – not wanting to impose, we politely declined (Not!!). They made a great lunch. Alf has also brought us moose steak and sausages lately – we’re really spoiled out here.

We’re heading back to the Wonderful World of Whiteway today. Who knows what new wonders (and fish!) await us …