It’s a Cat’s Life

cat at our cottagesWe’ve had lots of wind lately, and that only seems to make the cats feel even cozier. The Berry, the dogs, the cats and I all enjoyed watching the storm, especially Shadow, who had to be front and centre. Quite the view, isn’t it?

Warm Welcome

Our Home in NewfoundlandAfter a long day in the city recently, this is the view that welcomed us when we got home. Just before dark, with the wild waves lashing the stand outside, ‘home’ has never seemed so cozy, so inviting. It was a count-your-blessings kind of moment, and a grab-your-camera-for-the-blog type of one, too. Shortly thereafter, we had a fire in the store, supper on the stove, and wine in our glasses, ready to enjoy a peaceful evening. You gotta love the Wonderful World of Whiteway!

Gentle Storm

Gentle Snowstorm in NewfoundlandWhen is a storm not a storm? When lots of snow falls, but it comes in vertical – not horizontal like we so often get here. The winds didn’t pick up, making the perfect night for candles, soft music, a delicious meal enjoyed with The Berry. Such a sweet storm!Gentle snowstorm in rural Newfoundland

Strong Winds

Strong Winds in NewfoundlandIt takes some mighty strong winds to fell the mighty trees at The Doctor’s House. And so as you can tell, we recently had a mighty strong storm! Thankfully, when you have a safe, warm spot by the fire, storms can make for a nice, snuggle-up evening. And thankfully, we have a fabulous new cook making fabulous new meals for each weekend – stay tuned for more info!

Put Another Log on the Fire

Unfortunately I only took my cell phone with me yesterday when The Berry and I hiked the trails of of Whiteway (make that WWW – Whiteway Winter Wonderland). The picture above really captures how stunning the area gets in the winter; the picture below, why I should take my camera with me more often!

Anyway, yes, yesterday was the first snow of the year and it was floating down in big puffy flakes – the kind that you can catch on your tongue. The perfect weather for a romantic walk.

It was a refreshing promise of the winter to come, and gave us inspiration to help us plan our “Stay In and Stay Warm” winter packages. We’re working on making sure enjoying our cottages in the winter is as cozy as possible – please let us know if you have any suggestions!

Really, there is not much nicer than coming in to a warm cottage with pleasant music, a fire going and red wine on a winter’s day.

Stormy Thoughts

Here’s a shot captured by one of our guests a few weeks ago in Long Point Cove, at our Heart’s Delight cottages. I’m inclined to call our beach-front cabins a ‘Storm Watcher’s Paradise,’ but after all the destruction wrought last week that doesn’t seem quite so appropriate to say now. We get our share of wild weather here on this little rock in the ocean, but thankfully, so far and God-willing, we’ve been spared many of the worst storms like our southern neighbours. My oldest daughter lives in Virginia, and thanks to our years living in the US, we have plenty of dear friends living all along the Eastern Shoreboard. Like we all have been, our thoughts are with them, wishing a speedy recovery and calmer weather in the future.

Summer Dreams

Because I refuse to give today’s storm any more attention (and because I want to remember that summer exists), here are my “Serenity Now!” thoughts for today:

Me and the Berry, in Cuba (post-election, by the way!)


Visiting my daughters in Vancouver


Enjoying the sunset in Virginia Beach (which I called ‘home’ for 8 years)