Young People and Phone Etiquette (and, Thank You, Students!)

A few days ago we had a farewell lunch for three student workers who are leaving to go back to school. Kaitlyn (a.k.a Kapelin as we was called by her peers when much younger), Katie and Nick were all great additions to our team and we couldn’t wish them more well in their studies. They will be missed!

We had a nice lunch, and I learned something profound from these young people, in addition to the reinforcement that you can learn a lot from young people. With our phones these days, everyone (OK, including me) spends half the meal nose in screen instead of interacting. Kapelin had the cure.

We all had to surrender our phones, put them on vibrate, turn them upside down, and put them in the middle of the table. Anyone who answered their phone had to pay for lunch.

I even had Joe make some calls to them to test them (but they didn’t fall for it!). After we put the phones on the table – we had a very inclusive and fun lunch. But I had to pay because they didn’t answer the phones!

What a great idea to enforce proper etiquette. Thanks Kapelin. And thanks to all for joining us this summer and putting up with us!

So we had wonderful students and they learned a lot, I learned a lot, we learned a lot. Life is good.Enjoying lunch at our newfoundland cafe