Another Beauty

sunset shotHere’s another beauty, captured by an old colleague, Dave, who stayed with us this summer. Truly stunning, isn’t it? I always say there’s nothing like the sunsets here in Newfoundland and Labrador. But when nature has such a beautiful palate to work with all over the globe, is there such a thing as an evenings sky that isn’t stunning? Deep thoughts here on a Sunday!

Great Shot

sunsetHere’s another great shot from Dave, a friend and guest who stayed with us this past summer. It’s a view I never tire of, not tire of sharing on the blog. Especially when photographers with skills far greater than mine capture beautiful moments like this. Happy Sunday!

Oh So Thankful

Shag RockA small blogging break to celebrate this day of celebrating. But not without posting one thing for which I’m always, supremely, completely and eternally grateful for – the beautiful sun setting over Shag Rock. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving, all, be safe, and hold your loved one close.

Sunset Sunday – Thanks, Dave

Sunset at Ocean DelightI take lots and lots of photos, and I like to think that I’ve gotten better over the course of writing this blog. But of course, I know my place in the talent-order, and I can appreciate a beauty when I see it. This picture was taken by Dave, an old colleague, who stayed with us this past summer. He shared this picture with me, and now I’m happy to share it with you, because who doesn’t love a nice sunset shot on a Sunday morning?

Sunset for your Sunday

Sunset in WhitewayQuick, beautiful post for you today, as The Berry and I are too swamped this weekend to be relied on to put too many legible sentences together! I’m off to the Devotion Show today, and Laurelyn has the Q&A session for Miss Teen Trinity-Conception. So hopefully, you’ll have more time to stop and smell the roses, or stop and enjoy the sunset, more than we do!

Two Guests – One View

Ocean Delight CottagesLook closely, and you can see two guests enjoying a Wonderful World of Whiteway view. Clearly, I’m not the only one gobsmacked by the glory of nature, especially here on this beautiful island of ours. We’re having a lovely fall so far – almost making us for our terrible summer. We’re finding many guests out late at night, lingering by their fires and their s’mores and their sunsets. Makes for a lovely evening, that’s for sure!

Sunset Sunday: Thanks, Sam!

Sunset in Green's HarbourThis is only Sam’s first summer with us, and already she’s become a major contributor on this blog, and on our Instagram page, capturing lots and lots of beautiful moments at The Doctor’s House. Here she’s captured my favourite – another beautiful Newfoundland sunset. This one is over Green’s Harbour, stunning as always. So thanks, Sam, for all you do, and for taking great pics that help us spread the word about all the beauty here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!

Sunset Sunday: On Stopping

sunset at our cabins in newfoundlandBusy summer, busy summer. That means I’m not slowing down to smell the roses (literally all around me at The Doctor’s House) and take in the sunsets like I should be. My daughter was here last week, which forced me to stop for a bit and …. it was wonderful. So I’m going to try to pause a little more here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, and enjoy all that’s around me. Happy Sunday.

Sunset Sunday: The Doctor’s Loft

NL wedding hallYesterday I blogged about our many weddings (here in the Wonderful World of Weddings, of course!). Sunday’s I blog about sunsets. So, here’s the glow of a sunset over The Doctor’s Barn Loft, where we hold most of our wedding receptions. As you can tell, it’s quite magical, and that’s just in my low quality photo. You really have to see it to believe it!

Sunset Sunday: Purple Show

sunset in NewfoundlandIt’s doesn’t get any better than this. Or more purple, for that matter. This weekend has been busy – the summer season is picking up, and of course we opened the Shag It Cafe on Friday, too. But stopping to enjoy moments like this can make it all worth it. Happy Sunday.