Judge Jerry

Never too old to do something new, I guess! A few weeks ago, Clifford George asked if we’d be able to fill in as judges for him at the Miss Teen Trinity-Conception Pageant held in Harbour Grace. Never one to turn down a challenge (even if this was a bit out of my wheel-house), that’s what The Berry and I found ourselves doing this weekend.  It was a contest of talent, spontaneous answers to difficult questions, volunteerism, attitude, confidence, poise, dignity and choices.

It was my first time judging anything like this, and what a challenge to choose from such a wonderful slate of caring, considerate and wonderful teenagers ranging from 14 to 17. They were all amazing! I’ve said it before on this blog – despite all the negative things you hear, I’ve always been impressed by this younger, thoughtful generation coming up.

The winner was lovely Jessie Fewer from Cupids; congratulations to her, thanks to all who were involved in the process, and a big kudos to all these young women who are bright lights in their communities. (And sorry for the picture quality – poor lighting and zoom, plus, I had to focus on my scoring!).

Newfoundland Talent

I’ll never cease to be amazed at the creative output that exists on this little island – how can so small a group of people have this seemingly endless supply of world-class artists? Even just here in our little community, the Wonderful World of Whiteway could be renamed the Wonderful World of Artists.

So I’m a little late with this post (who else is time flying by for? I meant to do this blog post last weekend!), but I was introduced to yet another extraordinary talent, Amelia Curran, at a concert in Cupids. She is a female Leonard Cohen – her lyrics are from heaven and hell, and she stunned me with her creative brilliance and wordplay.

The venue was the New World Theatre, so we got to enjoy the show outside under canvas roots that rattled with the winds. It was completely natural (no sound systems) and completely divine. Anyway, Amelia is currently touring in Ireland, but she’ll be back on the rock in October, and I highly recommend taking in her (indoors!) concert if you can!