Ultimate Wedding Show

Bridal Show in St. John's, NewfoundlandThis past weekend, our new Events Manager, Dana, and I had a fantastic time at the Ultimate Wedding Show at the Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland in St. John’s. ‘Utlimate’ was definitely the right word for it! We were there, of course, to spread the word about weddings at The Doctor’s House, which we’ll be hosting starting this summer. We had a fun, busy day – the wedding industry, like the tourism one was to us two years ago, is a new one for us to explore, and we’ve been loving it. So much enthusiasm, and so many great companies providing great services in the region. We’re happy to join the community, and can’t wait for our weddings to start this year!

And if you’re engaged or soon-to-be, and wondering if The Doctor’s House might be right for you, please sign up for our mailing list – we’ll use it to keep you posted about our weddings and plans for the coming year.

Eat the Hill Day 3 – The Best for Last

Chefs working at Eat the Hill 2014 in Clarenville, Newfoundland

Our last day at the annual Eat the Hill – an extravaganza in Clarenville showcasing local chefs, ingredients and cooking – was the best of the weekend.  We got to meet all the chefs one-on-one, which was a treat.  But of course not as big a treat as the food they prepared, all which was like nothing I’ve ever tasted.  Cod tacos, braised beef on mashed potatoes, special sliders, Newfoundland-style gnocchi, apple pork pie and deserts – it was all truly unbelievable,  an original food mosaic that was so unique and so ‘Newfoundland’ and so delicious. We’ll definitely be back next year and encourage you to keep this great event on your radar.

We also enjoyed a performance from Clarenville band, Disisit. They were stunning, one of the best local band I’ve heard. Great times, great people, great venue – Eat the Hill was probably the best time we’ve had in at least a year.

The Berry and I were at Eat the Hill on behalf of the wonderful LCENDMO, the Legendary Coasts of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador Destination Management Organization, of which I’m currently the vice-chair. We’ve gotten so much out of membership from LCENDMO, sing its praises whenever we can, and encourage others in our region to sign up. You won’t regret it.

If you’d like to see more photos of our weekend, please see our album on our Facebook page. It’s back to the usual grind for us now (we’re currently renovating at The Doctor’s House and promoting our new winter package at the cottages, Stay in and Stay Warm), but we’ll treasure the memory of this wonderful weekend, and can’t wait for next year.Local Newfoundland band in Clarenville

Eat the Hill Day 2

Chef at Eat the Hill conference in Clarenville

This weekend, Laurelyn and I were lucky enough to represent the Legendary Coasts of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador Destination Management Organization at the brilliant, second annual Eat the Hill at the White Hills Resort in Clarenville. Here’s Day Two:

With a spectacular venue, 160 people showed up to experience seven chefs from St. John’s, Marystown, Clarenville and the Bonavista area celebrating our food in our place with our local ingredients. Yes – it was all as amazing as you would expect.

Our evening started with hors d’oeuvres and martinis, followed by a seven course meal from the seven artist/chefs. We had bread, scallops, salad, scallop bisque, halibut, dessert, and coffee.  All prepared in a unique way with a unique Newfoundland and Labrador taste.

It was one taste explosion after another. Then Kelly Ann Evans got up to entertain and again blew us away.  Like our chefs, she and her group are also great artists.  How blessed are we in this province to have such artists walk amongst us?  And better still, we are so grateful that they choose to stay here when they could make fortunes elsewhere.

The Berry and I made lots of new friends and really enjoyed ourselves.  Being a member of this organization has been such a positive experience, and it can do wonderful things for others in the Destination Management Organization. I would encourage anyone in our region to sign up and get the benefits that come with membership.  It is the best value package I have seen in a very long time.

For more pictures of Day 2, please see our Facebook page. And we love using our blog and social media to promote regional tourism events, so stay tuned to learn more about upcoming happenings as we move into spring. Tomorrow I’ll be sharing ‘Day 3’ at Eat the Hill plus some video – see you then!Martinis at local food event Eat the Hill in Clarenville Newfoundland

Thanks, Joe!

If you’ve been to our cottages or even just read our blog a little bit, you know how essential Joe Friday has been to our operation here – the Wonderful World of Whiteway would be a little less wonderful without him! It has always warmed our hearts to see how much our guests love him, too. Take this recent review on Trip Advisor, simply titled ‘Awesome.’ According to this guest, “Upon arrival Joe Friday (who is the jack of all trades) greeted us with his awesomeness! He had the fire going, lights dimmed and popcorn and Hot chocolate waiting for us. My friends and I spent an evening in solitude. This truly is a little piece of heaven. Customer service was excellent and atmosphere was superb! It was Awesome! This place would be top of my list to recommend for anyone!

So while Joe might brag about himself, we sure can! I’ll include a recent comment left in our guest book, below. As always, thanks, Joe, for all your hard work (and if you’d like to see what all the fuss is for yourself, don’t forget about our Stay in and Stay Warm package, which adds all kinds of cozy extras to your stay, now through the end of March!).guest book entry at our newfoundland cottages

New Year’s Recap

Celebrating New Years at The Doctor's HouseBetween recouping and the weather and power issues, I completely forgot to do a recap of our New Year’s Eve party at The Doctor’s House. We had a great time with great guests, loved our gourmet meal, and enjoyed lots of dancing and fireworks into the night. It was our first big event we’ve hosted – we enjoyed it, learned a lot, and hope to offer more such occasions in the future. Thanks again to our staff and to the guests who came to celebrate with us. And we hope you have a truly blessed New Year.

Thanks to Clifford and Shirley George, who joined us and sent us these lovely photos. Oh, what a night!Guests in NewfoundlnadGuests in NewfoundlandGuests in Newfoundlnad

And if you look closely, you can see some mummers in the crowd!

Winter in Whiteway ….

Fire in winter in rural Newfoundland

…. is cozy and warm, good for a fire, great for the soul, and, in a word, magical. Thanks to Leonard Howlett, a Newfoundland artist whose work we feature in our gift shop at The Doctor’s House, for capturing the season here so stunningly. We stay open during the winter, because we know a stunning getaway just an hour outside St. John’s is something people need and love all year round. Remember that we’ve extended our spa packages at The Doctor’s House to last all winter, and, also at the Inn, we’re offering buy one night, get the second for $99 for January-March. It’s our way to make your winter a little warmer.

Sunset Sunday: Before and After

Shag Rock in rural Newfoundland

These pictures are like life: all the same, all different, all wonderful, and totally beautiful. Shag Rock, before, during and after a sunset – reminding us why we love the Wonderful World of Whiteway.

Thanks to guests, Shag It artist and friend Leonard Howlett for the gorgeous shots. What an eye, or should I say three?

Dining at The Doctor’s House Now Official!

Chef at our new restaurant in NewfoundlandHere’s the fabulous Chef Anna Dohey (and Rosie the Goat!) who has helped us help The Doctor’s House reach it’s true potential, by running a to-die-for meal service for us each weekend (this weekend, among other choices, included braised lamb shanks with Newfoundland berry wine, for example). Anna is a true gem, and brings lots of experience, including having also run Tea at the Garden at MUN Botanical Gardens.

And we’re thrilled to share that The Doctor’s House is now featured on edining.ca – here’s our listing. Here’s The Berry’s words (not mine!): “Dining at The Doctor’s House promises romantic old-world charm and delectable classic cuisine made from fresh, locally sourced ingredients.” Hear, hear.

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t remind you that we now have our New Year’s Even menu planned


Mark Your Calendars

I’d like to give a heads-up for a Special Luncheon coming up this November. It’s for the Irish Loop Chamber of Commerce, and I’ll be speaking about the tourism industry and everything my partner, Laurelyn Berry, and I learned getting here. You don’t have to be a member to join this great networking event, and I hope to see some of your there.

It’s taking place on November 26 at the Bidgood’s Plaza in Goulds. I’ll remind you again as we get closer to the date, and you can see contact info below. Annual General Meetings of the Irish Loop Chamber of Commerce

Tuesdays with Murphy: This is the ‘Off’ Season???

Conference about Newfoundland travel and hospitality

Boy, am I glad I’m not Jerry or The Berry – those two work like dogs, I tell you! Thankfully, my fellow four-leggeds and I (including my new little brother, Friday, who is doing great, by the way!), get some rest here and there. But Jerry and The Berry spent all weekend at a wedding show in St. John’s (they’ve hired some consultants, are renovating our big barn and will have The Doctor’s House ready for parties of up to 200 by this summer).

I thought after all that work, they’d need a minute to rest. Not so! Now Jerry’s off to Clarenville for a conference for the Eastern Destination Management Organization. I don’t know much about EDMO, except from what I overhear. And that’s that they’ve been instrumental to our success at Ocean Delight, so for that I guess I’m grateful! I think Jerry will be talking more about their great new website, The Legendary Coast, soon!