A Garage at Last

A man’s work is never done – that’s the expression right?? Anyway, this weekend brought along the final A Wake at Last project of the year – building a 13X40 garage to store her (our Boston Whaler) over the winter. Thankfully, we had Murphy to keep us company! Some uncooperative weather meant it’s not yet completely finished – but it will be before next weekend!

And speaking of uncooperative weather – I have one daughter in the path of Sandy, and two daughters in British Columbia, which experienced a 7.7 quake over the weekend (thankfully, no where near them). Talk about having to spend a lot of time in prayer!

And finally, a bit of housekeeping if you will: if you enjoy this reading my posts, I’d really appreciate your vote at the Canadian Blog Awards. Voting is simple – you don’t have to register or log-in, you just have to visit this link, and at the bottom of the left-hand column, you’ll see a category called ‘Best Business or Professional Life Blog.’ Expand that, and you’ll find humble little Jerry by the Sea!

Sunset Sunday: Memories

Ultimately I’m saving this Sunset Series on my blog to show-off how stunning our night skies here are in Newfoundland. But I just had to share this one to prove how longstanding my nightly passion is. Here’s a picture that must be 10 years old, taken by my nephew, Jayson, when he was spending a summer with us in Virginia. Even there, every night, almost without choice as if I was physically being pulled, I spent the night watching the sun go down. Sometimes I had company, like I did here with my daughter, and sometimes I went alone. We lived close to the beach then, but we still had to drive to get these great seats. So I’m thankful now to live in the Wonderful World of Whiteway so I can see the show from my back deck!

All in the Family

If you follow my blog you might remember Ed and Phyllis, an American couple (married for 65 years!) who were recently our guests – they came to Newfoundland because Ed’s father was from Heart’s Content and they wanted to explore his roots. Well, what they say about it being a small world is true – turns out that Clifford George is Ed’s long lost cousin!

They connected immediately, which was fun to see. And Clifford has extensive knowledge of all the George’s in Heart’s Content going back to 1705 when they first arrived from England. He shared their stories and the history of life in the area.

Clifford took Ed and Phyllis to his studio and to meet Misty and Sonny. They also had supper with Doug George, another new family member, in New Harbour. Overall it was a great visit and Ed and Phyllis were delighted to meet more family in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. And we were thrilled to be a small part in helping them explore their roots. 


Since we’re in for a few days of rainy weather, here’s a reminder of how great we’ve had it this season. Just last weekend we were at The Sprout for lunch. It was a gorgeous day and we decided to have healthy, vegetarian food outside with the beautiful weather and the ugly wasps. The ambience overwhelmed the wasps, and we loved every minute of eating outside in late October in St. John’s. Gotta love it!

Red Gold

A year ago I didn’t know that wild cranberries existed, at least not in Newfoundland. But last weekend, The Berry (so aptly named) and I picked them by the bucket-full off a trail near our Heart’s Delight cottages. We set off on our hike with a picnic basket filled with Malbec for us, treats for Murphy, and high hopes that we’d find the red gold. We picked til we couldn’t pick anymore, then we hiked along the coast; a gentle, scenic hike with wonderful waves, jagged rocks, and turquoise water. It was really beautiful.

Now we’re looking for recipes for these beauties. If you have any suggestions, please let us know!

O Danny Boy

While my new life in Whiteway is quite different from that as CEO and businessman, sometimes I still get to bust out the old networking (or is it schmoozing??) skills – like I did this Monday at a St. John’s Board of Trade luncheon.

I was there as Ocean Delight was announced as a new member. We chose yesterday because Danny Williams was the speaker. He gave an excellent presentation where he talked about being the CEO of the St. John’s Ice Caps, Dannyville (the massive $5Billion industrial, commercial, residential complex he is building next to Mount Pearl), and the Lower Churchill Falls project which he started and completely supports.

There were about 400 – 500 people there and I was in networking overdrive. I gave out brochures and business cards like the Tasmanian devil. As you can see I didn’t have time to take many pictures – most were all a blur, much like the 2 1/2 hours I spent there. It was a lot of fun.

I keep saying I’m proof you can teach an old dog new tricks, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the old tricks from time to time!

Tuesdays with Murphy: The Berry’s Back

You wouldn’t believe how happy I was to have everything back to normal this weekend, having The Berry back at the cottages after she visited her family. I know everyone has to take vacations sometimes, and I know it was only a week – but in dog years, that’s a few months! And after a few boys’ nights with Jerry, boy was I ready to have a feminine touch back in the house. Especially when it’s this lady, who is the one responsible for bringing me to Ocean Delight in the first place and is always making me so happy. I think I can speak for Jerry when I say I really missed her!

Talkin ‘Bout 3 Generations

This post may not be expressly about daily life at the cottages, but close enough. Laurelyn is my brilliant and hard-working (you might say, overly hard-working) partner and if anyone ever deserved a vacation, it was her. Which is what she did last week, when she went to Ontario to visit with her lovely family. I love Ontario, and we get lots of guests from that great province. Laurelyn enjoyed her visit, and I had to share this beautiful shot of her with her mother and daughter – three generations in a row!

Clifford George Original

Without further comment, here is a poem that Clifford sent me, based on an evening you may remember from the blog, where a group of friends gathered in front of Ocean Delight for an evening of fire and friends ….


Late summer evening light as the sun sets and settles beyond the Shag Rock
Darkening shadows cast itself upon the beach
Moonlight flickers and dances on the sea’s surface
Glimmering and flickering on a long row of wine glasses
On a long table that reaches down the beach
Whispering sea droplets nibble at the low water mark
Seashells serving the best of food soon dance back out to sea
Friendship finely tuned around a campfire of dreams
It is my finest summer moment, cherished forever
With friends caught in this special creation under the stars


And thanks, as always, to Clifford, for sharing his poem and so much more.