Do You Think She Knew?

Kitten in NewfoundlandHere’s little 6 month old Monkey. And little 6 month old kittens need to be ‘fixed’ before they can play outside. So last week, it was little Monkey’s turn. These pictures are pre-op – and judging by her demeanor that morning, I’d swear that she knew something was up.

Surgery’s not fun for animals (or anyone for that matter), but it was time. She used to sit by the window and watch Mimi and Shadow frolic in the great outdoors, and look over at me with a face that asked, “What about me?  I want to go outside and play, too.”  And she’s look longingly at Murphy and Friday running around and ask “Why not me, too?”

So, surgery is the price of her freedom, and we’re happy to report that everything went swimmingly. Soon, Monkey will be our exploring the Wonderful World of Whiteway just like the rest of us!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Poor Molly

Devon Rex in NewfoundlandJoe sent us this picture of sweet Molly, his Devon Rex, recouping after a night in the hospital. She was having a bit of a rough time with what the two leggeds think were digestive problems. Thankfully, she has a new diet, and more than her fair share of love from Joe and Friday to get her better. We’re happy to report she’s on the mend!

Poor Murphy

It seems we’ll have to be a little more careful with Murphy – so far we’ve let him have too good a time (if you don’t believe us, read his blog post!). He loves the salt water (lucky for him our cottages are right on the beach!), and he runs in every chance he gets. We always wash him after, but his paws still got infected – he seemed to be in pain, so we brought him to the fabulous Baccalieu Trail Animal Hospital. What a spot – I wish we had people hospitals like it.

Turns out all the play put a strain on Murphy’s elbows, which are inflamed – nothing that a little nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine shouldn’t cure. The more serious problem is a sore on his paw that caused the limping. We got some anti-bacterial cream to put on it a couple of times a day.

The good news – let him swim to his Heart’s Delight, as long as we rinse and dry him properly afterwards.

But poor paws not withstanding, we think he’s having a great time here at our cabins and we have more than fallen in love. He’s cute even if he is a little groggy!