A Day Just Right

Walking trail in Eastern Newfoundland

What weather we’ve been having. It was such a beautiful day yesterday that we decided to take Murphy on a walk along Jimmy Rowe’s Trail here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway (not far from the cottages).  It was a great walk – refreshing and uplifting. And it was one of those great work days when everything goes right. So definitely a count-your-blessings kind of day. We’re glad then that people are taking advantage of our Stay In and Stay Warm package for the cottages this winter – that plus the weather just sweetens an already sweet deal.


Tuesdays with Murphy: Snowy Walk

Two golden retrievers on a walk in NewfoundlandWith limited power comes limited blogging. Although, without opposable thumbs, I don’t see what the big fuss is about (I just love the extra cuddles!), Jerry’s given me limited time to write my weekly post. How rude! Anyway, here’s me and Friday enjoying a snowy walk, for what it’s worth!

And a hint if your power-less first weekend of the new year was less than fun: we’ve got a special, second-night-for-$99 offer running through March at The Doctor’s House – it could be just what the doctor ordered!