A Walk to Hopeall Falls

Walking to Hopeall FallsWalking to Hopeall FallsWe recently went for a walk to the wonderful Hopeall Falls, just minutes from here.  The trail is a part of Crout’s Way – the same one John Guy used to travel from Cupids when trading with the Beothucks. According to Gerald Smith, who helped rebuild it, it’s the oldest documented trail in North America – and it ends right in front of The Doctor’s House. It’s special ground, and beautiful, too – and something The Berry and I (not to mention Murphy and Friday!) enjoy whenever we get the chance.

Tuesdays with Murphy: Winter Walk

Walking with our golden retrievers on Newfoundland's walking trailsThere’s always lots to do for fun around the cottages. A little snow doesn’t hurt the great walking trails, especially on a sunny day. Especially when you have a great group to do it with. For me, that means Jerry and The Berry, of course, and also my new brother, Friday. The two-leggeds have to bundle up, of course, but for Friday and me, a little exercise and we’re warm as anything. Don’t we strike a handsome pair bounding down the lane?Golden retrievers for a walk in rural Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: New Trails

Hiking Trails on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland

You know me – always up for an adventure. That’s why I was thrilled when I was able to convince Jerry and The Berry to check out D’Iberville Trail on a fun day trip. It was an easy walk with great vistas – what more could a four-legged ask for? Any guests staying with us – please ask if you’d like some recommendations for similar things to do near the cottages, and please also see our Things to Do section. Just doing my job as Manager of Guest Relations!Hiking the East Coast Trail on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: Walking Trail Business

My humans insist on taking me to Jimmy Rowe’s Walking Trail whenever they get the chance. I still don’t know who Jimmy is, but I don’t complain – the trail is pretty and involves a lake, so what’s not to like? Plus, Jerry and The Berry get so happy when they get a bit of “free time” (I don’t know what that means, either – I’m always free to play, even on my leash!) that we have lots of fun.

They also find it so funny when I stop at this, ahem, fire hydrant to do my business. They had to take a picture of me next to it, calling it Murphy’s Rock. I have no idea why – can you enlighten me?