Calm After the Storm

If you live in Newfoundland, then you know that we’ve been having some wild weather lately. I’ve never seen anything like the icy waves you see above. And we’ve been pounded by them and the wind for what seems like ages now. Definitely makes you want to Stay In and Stay Warm!

But thankfully, as you can see below – the storms have passed, the winds have tamed, and we’re back to our beautiful, clear days in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!Calm day around the day in Newfoundland winter



A Little Accumulation

Snow fall at our Newfoundland cottagesBack to regular blogging, after several days showcasing all the fun we had at Eat the Hill. Here’s our back deck, showing that a little snow accumulation can be a beautiful thing! A little (or, a lot) of snow turns the Wonderful World of Whiteway into a Winter Wonderland. And if that’s not enough alliteration for your Thursday morning, I don’t know what is!Ocean view in Newfoundland after a snowstorm

Of course, I never liked winter until I moved to the ocean’s edge. We’re truly blessed to have a beautiful, ocean-front home that lets us appreciate every aspect of Newfoundland’s weather! (And remember, it’s easier than ever to have a fun snow-day around the bay, with our Stay In and Stay Warm winter packages).

Tuesdays with Murphy: In the Red Corner

Golden retrievers at our Newfoundland cottagesI love it when Friday gets to sleepover – I get to have a partner in crime. Of course, here, we look like we’re reading to start our boxing match, but no worries – we’d never fight! Really, it was just raining hard the last time we had to go outside. We got drenched in 30 seconds. Thankfully, we’ve got Laurelyn to dry us off, and lots of warm places to cuddle to warm up (another reason to love our Stay In and Stay Warm package).

A Day Just Right

Walking trail in Eastern Newfoundland

What weather we’ve been having. It was such a beautiful day yesterday that we decided to take Murphy on a walk along Jimmy Rowe’s Trail here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway (not far from the cottages).  It was a great walk – refreshing and uplifting. And it was one of those great work days when everything goes right. So definitely a count-your-blessings kind of day. We’re glad then that people are taking advantage of our Stay In and Stay Warm package for the cottages this winter – that plus the weather just sweetens an already sweet deal.


Tulips Are Better Than None

Tulips at our Newfoundland resort and spaIt is beginning to look a lot like spring, especially with a fragrant bouquet to brighten the room.  Soon we’ll be growing our own tulips at The Doctor’s House, which has the most amazing English gardens. For now, we’ll take the mild weather, and all the extra excuses to cozy up.

Better Days Ahead

Looks like we’re getting a bit of a reprieve from the nasty weather that started this new year. The January thaw is awesome.  Almost all the snow is gone and it is going to be unseasonably mild for the next several days. And the mild weather sweetens our already sweet winter deal at the cottages (hint, we throw in wine and breakfast in bed!), and makes it extra fun to walk Murphy. Now lets see if we get Sheila’s Brush!


Strong Winds

Strong Winds in NewfoundlandIt takes some mighty strong winds to fell the mighty trees at The Doctor’s House. And so as you can tell, we recently had a mighty strong storm! Thankfully, when you have a safe, warm spot by the fire, storms can make for a nice, snuggle-up evening. And thankfully, we have a fabulous new cook making fabulous new meals for each weekend – stay tuned for more info!

Lunch Break

Construction Worker in NewfoundlandMike has been working for us at The Doctor’s House, and doing fantastic work, despite being wrecked by allergies (with so many flowers, it’s probably not the best place to work if you have them!). It was a beautiful day that he took his lunch break outside. It was so gorgeous we all should have joined him!