Cruise Ship WWW

Whiteway Newfoundland

I blog a lot about sunsets. Not enough about our beautiful sunrises here in Newfoundland. Because in early morning as the sun climbs over Whiteway Mountain and shines on Shag Rock I take my pew in front of the big window and look out the bay.  Ever grateful for having found this place of places.

Sometimes, looking out over the bay, I feel like I am on some great cruise as I hear the waves and see only the ocean stretch in front of me.  Although I have not left the shore it feels that I am on some great journey. And I’m happy to share this view with the 4 cabins besides me.

 I was never one to be tied up in some safe harbour – it has always been the high seas for me.  Where this Cruise Ship WWW will take me I know not.  We’ve had our share of storms with no doubt many more to come.  For mine is not to rest but to explore and find new things trying to find myself. Anchors away!

Great Whiteway Neighbours

RV Park near our oceanfront cottage rentalsWith summer upon us and lots of travelers exploring the Baccalieu Trail, seems like a great time to introduce our Whiteway neighbours, the ShagView RV Park. Just like us, they’re right on the ocean, with front row tickets to viewing Shag Rock. They offer all the services you’d expect in an RV park, plus firepits, access to the beach, free WiFi and, again, that view! With 9 lots, we’re happy to direct RV’ers here anytime, with nightly, weekly, monthly and seasonal rates. Find them on Facebook, or just ask Jerry or The Berry to point the way!

Awestruck in Whiteway, thanks to the Horse Lady

After spending a weekend in Whiteway last summer, I fell in love immediately and knew we would love it here. I just didn’t know to expect the people to be so awe-inspiring, too. Here I am with one of the many world class artists who call this their home – Renee Butler-Harnum. Renee is truly gifted and truly special. She’s also the “Horse Lady,” known for her love of animals. I strongly recommend you watch this Land and Sea program featuring her, not only to learn about her story, but also to get a sense of what life is like out here.

As you can see, the Wonderful World of Whiteway has a bit of everything – artists, musicians, wonderful neighbours, and kindness everywhere. Below is one of Renee’s pieces that was displayed at the Spring Hare. Enjoy!

Discovering Shag Rock

Alf Harnum, our wonderful neighbour, dropped by yesterday to see if we wanted to go to local landmark, Shag Rock, about 1.5KM out in the water. We jumped (in the boat) at the chance and headed out Whiteway Bay. It was a beautiful day on the water and we got a chance at up close and personal with the anomaly.

And just in case you have a dirty mind, we found out they call it ‘Shag’ Rock because it’s full of cormorants – big, black and sleek diving birds. They make it their home. And locally cormorants are known as ‘shags.’ So get your mind out of the gutter!

Yip, our maiden voyage in Whiteway Bay, and I was like a kid again (except when I was a kid we didn’t have an experienced captain or life jackets in the boat!). What a perfect day for a ride – thanks, Alf!P.S. Cannot wait to get our own boat out in the water – I just finished the qualification course online. My grades: 90%, 100%, 100%, 90%, 90%. (what, me brag?)

And one last video:[wpvideo ijLKrXUb]


The Spring Hare has sprung. As I mentioned, last night was the kick-off with dinner and entertainment at Brown’s, and all I can say it WOW – Laurelyn and I had such an amazing time. And I had an epiphany – as I sat there, talking to our new friends, listening to some of the best entertainers I have EVER heard, and eating good food, I realized that we belong here. I had that rare and wonderful feeling that this is the right place for me and the right time to be here. This is really a magical place and I feel blessed to now be a part of it.

Above is The Berry with Clifford and Shirley George, and below is Lisa Day, the President of the Spring Hare Committee. (And I’ve got to get a good camera! – all my action shots of last night were too blurry to post).

Today is the main Spring Hare event – stay tuned to the blog to hear all about it!

Two Berries


Our goal of ripening our Whiteway cottage The Partridgeberry from green to this lovely red colour got put off this weekend, due to some stormy weather. But thankfully we didn’t get hit with a snowstorm yesterday (yes, that was a subtle dig at you St. John’s townies!) so we were back at it. Here’s The Berry (Laurelyn) ripening the Berry – quite the pretty picture!

Whiteway Comes Out for Diabetes

We are so loving getting involved in the Whiteway community and Saturday was another example of all the great things happening out here. The great Brown’s Restaurant sponsored an event that raised $4000 for Camp Douwanna, a camp in Bishop’s Falls for children with diabetes. The representative for the Canadian Diabetes Association informed us that our province has the highest per capita incidence of diabetes in the world – research is pointing to genetics and climate (north with a lack of sunlight) as possible reasons. Unfortunately, I believe we also have high rates of spina bifida and other diseases as well – all the more reason for events like this one.

We had turkey and roast beef dinners, followed by an amazing performance by the Avalon Sleeveens, who took us on a walk down memory lane with songs from Tom Jones, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Dolly Parton, Patsy Cline, Brenda Lee and others. It went on til 11:30 and I tell you it beat the heck out of George Street!

And maybe the best part of the evening was we got to share our table with our friends Alf and Hilda Harnum (below), two wonderful people who put a smile on your face and would give you the shirt of their backs, I’m sure!And here’s the Sleeveens – so fun! (And continuing my education services for non-Newfoundlanders, a ‘sleeveen’ is similar to a rascal!) [wpvideo KsQqFlP2]

Neighbourhood Trout

We were lucky the other day to get a call from Alf, another wonderful neighbour out here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, saying he had some trout (count em – 11!) if we wanted them. We love trout, and hadn’t had any in a long time, but you know me – not wanting to impose, we politely declined (Not!!). They made a great lunch. Alf has also brought us moose steak and sausages lately – we’re really spoiled out here.

We’re heading back to the Wonderful World of Whiteway today. Who knows what new wonders (and fish!) await us …