Many Moose

Newfoundland Moose in WhitewayAs we’ve already blogged, the moose are plentiful this year out here in Whiteway and Green’s Harbour – here’s a shot Clifford George sent us of a pair strolling down the streets. Thankfully they’re quite docile this time of year – and provide some great photo ops! Of course, they’re big animals and you should keep your distance, but they’re quite majestic and fun to spot, too.  Let us know if you see any!Moose in Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: Big Four Leggeds

Two Moose in NewfoundlandI had to borrow a picture from Jerry’s friend, Newfoundland photographer Bud Vincent, to share on the blog today. Have you ever seen four-leggeds as majestic as this? They sure make me proud to be on their team.

Moose are quite populous in Newfoundland, of course, and visitors who are driving our roads should know to be mindful of them. Or, if you’re on the Terra Nova Golf Resort as Bud was when he got these pictures, perhaps you should be mindful when you tee-off, too!Four Moose in Terra Nova Park in Newfoundland


We had a great hike last weekend. We went to Hopeall Falls and Backside Pond (not too far from the cottages). Murphy was bounding! He is quite amazing – spell the word “W.A.L.K.” or “H.I.K.E.” or “R.I.D.E.” and he springs into action, bouncing around on all fours like Tigger. And in the woods he is rambunctious – the complete opposite of his house life.

We were on a moose trail, and after seeing moose prints, Murphy got so excited. We ran into a moose awhile ago and he must have remembered how much fun he had chasing it away!

Then we lit a fire, boiled the kettle and put on the bacon and beans. It was simple and awesome (kind of like life in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!).