Want a Fire?

Wood for the fireplace at our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

We really mean it when we say The Doctor’s House is the perfect winter getaway – not too far from the city, we’re a warm and romantic refuge from the dreary season we’ve been having. And of course, there’s one key ingredient for a winter getaway – and that’s a roaring fire to cuddle up before and watch. We’ve got one in our dining room, and, as you can see, there’s no shortage of firewood. We’ll keep you warm!Our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Tuesdays with Murphy: Who’s Who?

Golden Retriever on a hike in rural Newfoundland, near our Newfoundland cottage rentalsThe best days are hike days, especially since we have so many beautiful walking trails around the cottages to explore. This lucky day, we had not one but two humans to accompany us. Not very often you get these two not-working at the same time! Golden retriever on a hike at our Newfoundland cottage rentals

Two Trees

Two trees on the waters edge at our Newfoundland cottage rentalsSaturday on the blog we try to showcase the natural beauty of Newfoundland. Of course, there’s poetry all around us in this beautiful province. Here’s two trees as seen from our back patio, standing alone on the snowy water’s edge – with the sun out it’s a perfect winter wonderland. Have a great weekend.

Shag Rock, Snowy

Shag Rock in Atlantic Ocean as viewed from our Newfoundland cottage rentalsA few days ago we blogged about the icy waves here, we’ve had some nasty weather, and seems like the entire continent is having a wacky winter. Certainly we’ll all be happy when Spring rolls around. But here’s a snowy shot of Shag Rock to show why we love the Wonderful World of Whiteway, through rain, shine, sleet and snow! Please remember that there’s still a month left of our popular Stay In and Stay Warm package (great if you need a romantic respite from this winter!), and our Valentine’s Special at The Doctor’s House (which comes with a gourmet 3-course dinner, plus some more add-ons), is still available this weekend. Happy Friday, everyone!

Calm After the Storm

If you live in Newfoundland, then you know that we’ve been having some wild weather lately. I’ve never seen anything like the icy waves you see above. And we’ve been pounded by them and the wind for what seems like ages now. Definitely makes you want to Stay In and Stay Warm!

But thankfully, as you can see below – the storms have passed, the winds have tamed, and we’re back to our beautiful, clear days in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!Calm day around the day in Newfoundland winter



Tuesdays with Murphy: Winter Walk

Walking with our golden retrievers on Newfoundland's walking trailsThere’s always lots to do for fun around the cottages. A little snow doesn’t hurt the great walking trails, especially on a sunny day. Especially when you have a great group to do it with. For me, that means Jerry and The Berry, of course, and also my new brother, Friday. The two-leggeds have to bundle up, of course, but for Friday and me, a little exercise and we’re warm as anything. Don’t we strike a handsome pair bounding down the lane?Golden retrievers for a walk in rural Newfoundland

Happy Friday

Our Newfoundland cottage rentalsA short post after a long week. We’ve got lots on our ‘to-do’ list, but also lots to be thankful for. Like, freshly fallen snow, and a sweet dog to roam in it. I hope you’re all preparing for a fun weekend. We’ll be serving dinner at The Doctor’s House, so that’s always a plus. And our Stay In and Stay Warm special is still going strong. Anyway, happy Friday!

A Little Accumulation

Snow fall at our Newfoundland cottagesBack to regular blogging, after several days showcasing all the fun we had at Eat the Hill. Here’s our back deck, showing that a little snow accumulation can be a beautiful thing! A little (or, a lot) of snow turns the Wonderful World of Whiteway into a Winter Wonderland. And if that’s not enough alliteration for your Thursday morning, I don’t know what is!Ocean view in Newfoundland after a snowstorm

Of course, I never liked winter until I moved to the ocean’s edge. We’re truly blessed to have a beautiful, ocean-front home that lets us appreciate every aspect of Newfoundland’s weather! (And remember, it’s easier than ever to have a fun snow-day around the bay, with our Stay In and Stay Warm winter packages).